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I opened my eyes with a groan adjusting my eyes to the sun. I looked down to see that Kendall has her arms tightly wrapped around me. I opened my phone to see that it is 6:30am that's pretty early I listen to see if anyone is awake. It's quiet so I guess everyone is still sleeping. I went on Snapchat and took a quick picture of her sleeping form. I looked at her sleeping form it's peaceful. She looks stunning. I can't believe she's mine. I remember the time we met it was in 9th grade. Our history teacher made us get together for a project. When I went to her house to start the project I admired her beauty. At that moment I knew she would have a big impact on my life. I asked her out and it's been a ride the whole time. She encouraged me to start my music career which sky rocketed. Once we finished highschool at our graduation I purposed to her because I want her in my life forever. We got married at 20 which might be young but we don't care. As long as we are together that's all that matters. Anyways enough of my rambling I should take a shower.

General POV
Y/n tries to get up but a weight is on his whole body. Kendall tightens her grip on him. Once he gets out of her hold he sits on the edge of the bed looking out the window. Than he feels arms wrapped around his neck.

Kendall: Marry Christmas baby
Y/n: Marry Christmas darling we should go take a shower.
Kendall: Your right carry me.

Y/n gets up from bed picking Kendall up in his arms with her legs wrapped around him. He opens the curtains so the light can come through all the way. Y/n and Kendall go into the bathroom stripping out of their clothes letting the warm-cold water hit their bodies. After their shower(no funny business) they go into the closet picking out pjs Kris wanted them to wear for Christmas. Once they put their clothes on they hear they're song playing on the speakers that they have in their room.
(Play Song Above)
They start dancing. Y/n arms wrapped around Kendall's waist and Kendall's arms wrapped around Y/n neck. Kendall lays her head on Y/n chest since he is 6'4. As they dance Kylie slowly opens the door to see Kendall and Y/n off in their own world dancing like old married couples.

Kylie POV
I open the door of Kendall and Y/n's room because I can hear a song playing. I peek my head through the door to see them dancing. My heart swells because they are soulmates. I wish I find a love like that. I take out my phone and start recording them I make sure the don't see me as I'm standing in the door way with my phone in my hand recording the scene in front of me.

General POV
As the song comes to an end Y/n sings the last part.

I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

They look into eachother's eyes and lean in connecting their lips in a passionate kiss. Once they pull away they hear clapping. Both of them whip their heads to where the noise is coming from and see Kylie with a big smile.

Kylie: You guys are the definition of Soulmates. Dancing around like Steve and Peggy in Endgame. I wish I could find a love like that.

Kendall and Y/n blush.

Kylie: Oh bye the way everyone is downstairs waiting for you guys. Btw I took a video of you guys dancing and posted it to Instagram for the whole world to see.

And with that Kylie runs down the stairs.

Y/n: I love you
Kendall: I love you more
Y/n: Not possible
Kendall: Well believe it

Y/n and Kendall walk downstairs hand in hand. Everyone sees them and greets them. The whole KarJenner Clan is here for the holidays at Kendall and Y/n's house. Y/n takes his sit on the couch with Kendall on his lap. First the kids open their presents then the adults. Finally Y/n hands Kendall her present it's a CD. She looks confused but puts it into the CD player. Immediately Y/n face shows up on the TV.

Hello Kendall my love if your watching this right now it's Christmas so Marry Christmas. I decided to make this video to talk to you about the amazing person you are. First let's start with the day I met you it was and after school when we had a project to do together both of us in our 9th grade still going through puberty. Anyways your mom opened the door asking who I was I told her we have a project to do. I went upstairs not before hearing her say no funny business which made me laugh. When I knocked on your door I was met with the most angelic face I have ever seen. I immediately became nervous because the most stunning person to have ever walked the Earth was right in front of me. As we worked I kept glancing at you. When you caught me staring you asked if anything was on your face. I just said, "No nothing is on your face I'm just admiring." In my mind I was shocked because I've never been smooth with girls. When I saw you blush at the compliment I knew I won your heart. 2 months later on Valentines I asked you on a date. When you said Yes I went crazy. After that day it's been a rollercoaster. In 11th grade I started to write some songs I would play them to you and you encouraged me to start putting my music out for the world to hear. And then the night on our senior prom we had our first night together. Than at graduation I proposed to you. You obviously said yes. People kept saying we were to young but we didn't care all we knew is that we love eachother. Once we finished with college we got married. I remember saying in my wedding vows "That meeting you was the best decision of my entire life." And I'm still saying that cause it's true meeting you is and was the best choice I've ever made. It's you and me against the world baby. I have loved you for a thousand years, I'll love you for a thousand more. MERRY CHRISTMAS BABY!!!

Once the video finished Kendall turned around with tears streaming down her face. She attached her lips to Y/n lips with so much passion. She pulled away hugging Y/n so tight saying "I love you" over and over again. Y/n looked to see that everyone I mean the adults had tears streaming down their faces.

Scott: Man you made me cry and I never cry.
Kris: Wow Y/n I'm speechless.

They all finished with unpacking the gifts. And spending the rest of the day having fun. Once it got dark Kendall and Y/n went upstairs to sleep. When Y/n entered the bedroom he was pushed down to the bed with Kendall straddling him. Pulling him into a lustful kiss safe to say that they were glad to have soundproof walls and locked the door.😉

A/n hello my dudes. Hope you enjoyed. I'll be making more don't worry. I take requests but it has to have some detail for me to write off of. 

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