Another Dream A/N

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Last night I had a weird dream. So it started off in my house I was in my parents bathroom in the closet looking at some clothes when I heard shouting. I came out of the bathroom to see my dad yelling at my mom getting in her face as she cried. So I pushed him back and said "Why do you always have to fight for no reason. You treat her like a rag doll. Don't you have respect for women. Your brothers are better than you." I said something along those lines. So after I said that my dad looked at me in anger. He told me he was gonna kill me. So I quickly ran into my room grabbed a back pack put clothes and my passport and ID and wallet and birth certificate cause my parents let me keep it in the dream in it and I grabbed $10,000 that I had hidden. I ran out of the house. My dad got in his car and started to chase me so I turned my find my iPhone or iPhone tracker so my dad wouldn't find me. I knew my mom would be in tears knowing I left. I found a cave to hide in and reset my phone. I guess I made my iPhone a new one where it couldn't be tracked and it's not my parents bill(I don't know how it works). Then I turned it back on and called my best friend who I had a thing for. I told her what is happening and I told her that I would be running away cause my dad in the dream was bad. But don't worry my dad in real life is a good person and isn't like this. My best friend got sad but understood so I finally told my feelings for her not knowing if I would see her again. And so I began a new life away from my family but I some how was able to keep in contact with my mom in a secret way where my dad didn't know or anyone knew. As for my best friend I think we saw each other again in the city I went to and we talked. That's all I remember.

I think I might make this an Ariana imagine on my "Ariana Imagine" book. But I will put more detail obviously.

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