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Harry lay in his bed thinking about his mum.

He could hear her sobbing but he knew that she'd just brush it off if he tried to find out what was wrong.

With each sob that left his mother's throat,he felt a pang in his chest.

He felt anger.

Anger towards the monster who always made his mother cry like that.

His mother and sister had always been his rock and seeing any of them break down was enough to send him over the edge too.

His sister used to hold him on nights like these but ever since she went away,its been all him.

At times it gets too much to handle and that's the reason he bullies people.

To diffuse some of the built up hate he carries around.

Harry knew that it wasn't a healthy way to deal with things but he had no intention of stopping because it was either drugs or that and he could start drugs because his mother would go nuts.

He occasionally drank but whenever,the alcohol left he was back to square one so he chose bullying people.

Harry turned away from the door to try and block out the sound of crying but it seemed useless.

He sighed and got out of bed then he pulled some sweats and a hoodie on.

He opened the door slowly and went downstairs and out the front door.

He had debated about going for a ride but he knew that taking a walk would clear his head and it was midnight so one would bother him.

He put a jacket and shoes on and opened the front door letting the cool breeze engulf him.

He looked up at the stary sky and sighed contentedly.

The sky looked so beautiful and amazing.He remembered the time he and Gemma would sneak out at night and sit on the roof just looking at the sky on the few nights like this.

He started walking without any direction in mind just wanting to walk and clear his mind.

After about ten minutes of walking,Harry found himself close to the park that his mother would always bring him and his sister when they were so much younger.

He decided to make his way there and sit on his favourite bench that overlooked a pond.

As he got closer he spotted a figure seated with head in their hands.
It was too far to know who the person was but he seemed like a male.

He had a hoodie covering his head as he silently sat there.

Harry was surprised at the fact someone would be in the park at that time,but so was he.

He then decided to join whoever it was on his favourite bench and maybe make a new friend,but before he could walk over there,he saw six figures approaching the male person on the bench.

He stood still.

Maybe the guy had company.

Maybe he was a gang leader who had sent his minions to do his dirty work.

Maybe this was their rendezvous point.

Harry turned to walk back but he quickly looked back when he heard a familiar voice.

"Get the fuck away from me!"


Harry couldn't believe his ears.

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