Chapter. 19

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Niall saw tears in his mother's eyes.

His mother, the woman who carried herself like she was made of steel.

The woman who never broke down, not even once whenever she was arguing with her husband.

No matter how many hurtful things were exchanged between them, she would bounce back and act like nothing happened when it was time to work.

The woman who was a hard worker.

He saw tears in the iron lady's eyes.

He was not expecting it and it baffled him to no end because why the hell would she be tearing up when Niall told her that he was leaving and getting out of their hair once and for all?

Why the hell would she cry?

Did she come bearing sad news that she was supposed to tell Niall before he himself told her his news?

He had no idea and the only logical thing to do was to ask. So he asked why she was crying and if she was okay.

What he got in response was her flinging her arms around his small frame and hugging the life out of him.

If felt foreign to be hugging his mother because he couldn't remember the last time they were in that position. She was always working and prioritizing other things over bonding with her family.

Niall wanted to, he really wanted to hug his mother back but for some reason, his hands remained limp by his sides as he waited to be released from the tight grip of his mother.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Maura let go of Niall and walked inside the room, sitting down on the edge of Niall's bed as she pulled Niall to sit next to her.

"Why?" Was the first thing she said as she looked around the room which Niall had done a good job of boxing his stuff up.

"What do you mean, why?" Niall couldn't believe his mother was asking the reason why he was all packed up and about to move out. When it was clear as day they didn't give a damn about him and his well being.

"I just want to." Was the simple answer he gave his mother.

"Nialler..." His mother trailed off and sniffled. "Are we not good enough for you that you'd rather move out?"

Niall scoffed because what the hell?

He threw his head back and laughed a loud humourless laugh. When he had calmed down, he turned to his mother who had a confused expression on her face.

"Funny that you could even think that, much less ask. I'm the one who isn't enough for both of you. So I think it will be so much better for all of us if I just fuck the hell off and leave you be." Niall couldn't care about the fact that he was cursing infront of his mother or his tone of voice. He was angry and that anger needed to be let out.

"What are you talking abo-" His mother started but she was cut off by the door to Niall's room opening and Bobby walking through.

"Maura, what are you doing here? The guests are wai- wait what is going on here?" Bobby asked when he looked around and took in the state of his youngest son's room.

Both Niall and Maura kept quiet. Niall had told his mother and it was her turn to pass the news of him leaving to her husband.

"Bob, Niall is moving out." Maura said after a little while and Bobby's eyes widened.

"What?" He turned to look at Niall who couldn't care about his reaction and just shrugged.

"Why would you want to leave your home, Niall? Wait, you can't leave you are still a minor, but why would you even think of leaving?" Bobby asked, arguing with himself in the process.

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