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"Harry love! Are you up yet?" Harry heard his mum's voice call for him.

It was the following day, a Saturday and Harry was wide awake long before dawn but he refused to get out of bed yet.

All through the night, he couldn't sleep. He hated fighting with Niall, it affected him more than it should and he absolutely hated it.

"Harry?" His mother's voice was right outside his door now.

"Yes mum?" Harry called groggily. "I'm up, you can come in." He sat up so that he was leaning his back on the headboard.

The door opened and in walked his mother, "are you okay, baby?" Anne asked her son, looking at him worriedly. It was so unlike him to still be in bed after 9am on a Saturday morning, atleast not since he and Niall got together.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just tired s'all." He said, sighing heavily, sounding unconvincing even to his own ears.

"Harry." Anne looked at him with raised eyebrows. "You are my son remember, I know you well." She said and sat down on his bed.

Harry groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose before deciding to come clean and tell his mum about Niall and himself. He could use some motherly advice after all.

"Niall and I had a fight." He said, ripping the bandage right off.

"What? Why?" Anne found it hard to mask her surprise.

So Harry told her everything that led to them fighting. How he and Niall found his attacker and Niall wanted to deal with the situation all by himself. He went on to tell her that he had acted on his boyfriend instinct and pounced on the said attacker.

He also told her how Niall took the lad's side and even pulled Harry off of the lad when they were supposed to be beating the shit out of him for doing that to Niall.

He told her all and when he was done, he looked at her expectantly.

"Hmm." Anne sighed. "I think you both just need to sit down and talk about all this. I mean at the end of the day, communication is the key to solving any problem."

Harry sat upright with wide eyes.

"Is this you telling me in a nice way that I was in the wrong?" He asked with narrowed eyes making his mother smile.

"No Harry, this is me telling you to sit down with your boyfriend and talk about what happened."

"Well, whose side are you on, mum?" Harry asked with raised eyebrows. "You know I was just protecting Niall, right? I couldn't just stand there and watch the idiot who did that to my Ni."

"I know baby, I know." Anne said with a smile. "And I'm not taking no one's side. Just talk about it yeah? And apologize."

"Apologize? Why? I did nothing wrong, I was just being a good boyfriend." He defended, crossing his arms over his chest like an oversized seven year old.

"Sometimes, you gotta be the bigger person and just say sorry even when you did nothing wrong." Anne said and patted Harry's leg. "Okay?"

"Fine." Harry huffed and lay back down on the bed as his mother stood up.

"Breakfast is ready. You coming down?" Anne asked just as she was about to close Harry's door.

"Coming." Harry answered.


Niall woke up to sunlight shining into his room and directly onto his face.

He groaned and sat up, looking at his watch and seeing that it was past ten.

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