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Hey guys, so in this chapter.There's a super special narry moment.

The first three people to find it will be featured in the story as contestants.I already have two people and Narry of course.

I will also use imaginary ones but it will be fun like this, don't you think?

Anyway, all the luck in spotting that moment.Make sure you squint your eyes.



"Okay I'm done with the whole decorat- whoa! This looks amazing Harry! I mean when you said you could bake I didn't think it would be this amazingly." Niall gushed as he entered his kitchen and saw the massive white and pink cake that Harry had just finished decorating.

"Thank you Niall." Harry smiled. "I think that is the first time you have given me a compliment."

Niall however, was too amused by the cake to find a witty comeback.

He had thought, Harry would mess up and they would have to order, as a matter of fact, he had kept all essential contacts for a birthday cake on his fridge.

"This is amazing." He said once again.

"What next?" Harry said when Niall was done gawking at Harry's creation.

"Everything is set, the booze is all here and-" Niall's sentence was cut off by Harry.

"Of course you would mention booze on the first list." He rolled his eyes.

"Well what can I say, it's my Irish speaking." Niall smiled smugly. "As I was saying, all the food will be delivered at exactly six pm and then the guests will arrive after seven, then you will go and get Gem as planned."
Niall continued outlining the plan to Harry although they had made it together.

Harry then looked at his phone and then at Niall.

"Zayn just texted me that they'll be here at six and that if I so much as yell at you he'll break my bones." Harry spoke and rolled his eyes.

"Aww I love him." Niall cooed.

"Yeah yeah, it's weird how he looks out for you. He never looks out for anyone except his hair." He added and laughed.

"I am so gonna snitch when he gets here." Niall said as he too tried to bite back a laugh.

"Oh really? Well go ahead since you would like to see him kill me." Harry pouted.

"Don't pout, I feel like punching your face when you do." Niall said and Harry gasped.

"Fuck off." He said but two seconds later, both boys burst out laughing.

When they had calmed down, Niall spoke up first.

"It's four pm and all is set, what do you think we should till six?" He asked.

"Mmmmm, how about we practice our song? You have a guitar around here right?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, I do.Come on!"

They went upstairs to the master bedroom and sat down on the bed.Niall then retrieved his guitar and sat it in his lap infront of Harry.

"So you said you wrote two new songs and we have to choose from them instead of the one we chose?" Harry raised his eyebrows, excited at the idea of having to perform an original song.

"I did write two songs but yesterday during rehearsals, the teacher asked if I had an original song because there were two people who really wanted to sing an original but they didn't have enough time to write one." Niall explained.

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