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Harry was infuriated, he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

Shawn, of all people was behind Niall being attacked by the lunatic Tyler?

He looked at Niall who had his eyes fixed on Shawn. Then when Niall's grip loosened, Harry yanked his hand out of Niall's and took two long strides, within seconds he was infront of Shawn and his fist collided with the latter's jaw.

Harry didn't give Shawn a chance to recover from the hit because he was soon punching his stomach.

He then kicked Shawn's calf and shoved him, making him lose his balance and fall backwards.

Like a lightning bolt, Harry was on top of Shawn and delivering blows to his torso.

He would have beaten him to a pulp if Niall hadn't intervened. Shawn was too caught off guard to fight back, all he could do was try as much as he could to shield Harry's blows from his face.

"Harry! That's enough!" Niall yelled and easily pulled his boyfriend off of Shawn.

"No let me teach this fucker a lesson." He tried to get out of Niall's hold but the blonde only tightened his grip on him.

"Get the fuck out of here, Shawn but you and I are gonna have a talk." Niall said to Shawn who had picked himself off the ground and was clutching his stomach.

He wanted to talk to Shawn and maybe even get physical but he knew that Harry wasn't interested in talking and so he had to have him out of there before Harry overpowered him.

Shawn walked away with a nod and Niall frowned when Tyler came out of nowhere and helped Shawn walk away.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!" Harry angrily asked Niall as he finally managed to free himself from Niall.

"Nothing is wrong with me. However, what is wrong with you?" Niall asked angrily.

"What is wrong with me- are you freaking kidding me? Where you even there? The lad paid Tyler to attack you." Harry pulled on his hair angrily. He couldn't believe Niall was being forgiving.

"I know what he said. I was fucking there. But, I do remember asking you to let me deal with my attacker on my own and you went all 'Roman Reigns' on him." Niall said making Harry scoff.

"Exactly, you told me to let you deal with your attacker, who happens to be Tyler. I was beating up Shawn not Tyler." Harry argued.

"Shut up, Harry. Just shut up, that's the same thing, technically. You went against something that I asked you nicely. All for what?" Niall was just as angry as Harry.

Harry ran a frustrated hand through his hair, making it more messy than it was.

"I can't believe you are taking Shawn's side after he did that to you, technically. I was just trying to help you get justice. But it seems like you wanna deal with this on your own." Harry said and Niall sighed.

"I will take his side, if you don't stop being annoying. Jesus! Harry your temper is gonna get you in trouble." Niall said.

"You know what, I don't have time to fight with you when you are being like this. Get in the car." Harry said in 'done' tone.

Niall glared at Harry's back then after counting to ten, to calm himself, he followed Harry and got in the car with him.

The ride back to Niall's house was filled with complete silence. Not an utterance of any word, not the radio, nothing.

And it was also the longest and most awkward car ride they'd both shared.


When Harry parked the car in Niall's driveway, the blonde made no effort of moving from his spot in the passenger side.

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