Morning, angel

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Chuuya and Dazai walked just a few paces behind the other agency members. 

The ginger was trying his best to not be distracted by the dead look in Dazai's eyes he knew all too well. 

He also tried not to notice the small knife Dazai had, or the fact that Dazai's fingers were reaching subconsciously for said knife. 

     "The enemy has a very suspicious power according to our sources. It is a sort of fog that heightens emotions. It takes any current, strong emotions and doubles the effect. It also works best with negative emotions like hate, anger, worry, sadness, and so on." Kunikida was explaining. 

As the small group investigated the building, Chuuya alone noticed the violet fog that was inching its way towards them. 

    "Hey, what is this stuff?" Atsushi asked, the fog gripping onto his legs like it was some sort of slime. Dazai had fallen silent, the fog inching up his legs faster than any of the others, preying on his emotions to strengthen itself. 

In no time at all, the fog reached Dazai's head. 

Chuuya ran at him, surprising the others. 

Atsushi rushed to 'defend' Dazai from Chuuya's apparent attack and Kunikida whipped out a pistol. 

Dazai fell to his knees and Chuuya snatched something from his hand, tossing it back, as far from Dazai as possible. 

Atsushi was shocked to find the object to be a bloody knife. 

Dazai was staring at the ground, eyes dull and dead. Chuuya kneeled at his side, frantically bandaging a blossoming red stain on his arm. 

      "Moron, moron, moron!" Chuuya hissed, sounding extremely concerned. "Why do you do this to yourself?!" Chuuya was tearing up again, his emotions heightened.

Atsushi managed to see that the stain was from a terrifyingly deep gash on his wrist. 

      "W-what just happened?!" Atsushi asked, kneeling next to the two of them. Kunikida followed suit, debating whether to call Yosano or not. 

      "Are you serious?! 'What just happened!?' Obviously this dumbass can't control himself!" Chuuya hissed, tears rolling down his face and splashing onto his hands and he worked to stem the blood from Dazai's arm. "God, I really hoped that joining the Agency would put an end to this bull crap." 

      "H-Hey you remember what I asked you? The first time?" Dazai asked, voice  hoarse. Chuuya's heart sank. 

     "Oh not this shit again Dazai!" He hissed, tears doubling in quantity. "I'm not just gonna let you kill yourself moron!" 

Kunikida was panicking, as was Atsushi. They were totally lost. 

The boy began to cry and Kunikida had tears in his eyes. 

It wasn't out of the question for Dazai to commit suicide, but this was just...too much. 

Despite all of Dazai's attempts, he refused to die. The agency had begun to think that Dazai only pretended to want to die. A joke, you know?

This was too real. 

Seeing Dazai trying to seriously kill himself was....too real. 

Dazai began to cry. He was silent, heaving sobs making his hands shake. Tears pouring down his cheeks. 

It was like a dam had broken. 

     "P-please Chu-Chu~.....It's all I a-ask." Dazai whispered, the flow of blood from his wrist not slowing, clearly he had hit an important vein. 

     "No! I already said no you dumbass!" Chuuya finally looked up at Dazai, both of their faces tear stained and red. "I'm not just gonna sit here and let you die!" 

    "I-I'm begging you...." Dazai whimpered, gripping Chuuya's hands in his own. "I just need you to let me go..." Chuuya was crying as hard as Dazai, squeezing the brunette's hands. 

    "Y-you two, go outside and call Yosano." Chuuya hissed at Kunikida and Atsushi, who nodded and ran outside, happy to be doing something  to help. 

Chuuya intertwined his fingers with Dazai's. 

     "You moron. I-I can't lose you yet..." Chuuya rested his forehead against his partner's. "I-I can't lose you." Chuuya sobbed. 

     "Please....please, Chuuya...." Dazai murmured. "I-Im so...tired. I can't do this anymore..." He began to sob harder, his body shaking. "I-I just can't d-do this anymore..." 

Chuuya just wanted this stupid, suicidal man to shut up. To stop with this self-loathing and sadness. 

So Chuuya did the only thing he could think of. 

He kissed him. 

He leaned forwards and softly connected his lips with Dazai's. 

It was a desperate kiss, one full of hope and pleading. 

At first Dazai seemed shocked, not moving and going rigid for a few seconds. 

Then, as if out of nowhere, Dazai brought his uninjured hand to the crook of Chuuya's back, pulling him closer. 

Their lips moved together in a perfect, soft symphony. 

Dazai wasted no time, biting Chuuya's lip softly, asking for entry. Chuuya obliged, opening his mouth and giving a quiet moan when Dazai immediately began to fight him for dominance. 

Dazai won, exploring Chuuya's mouth with his tounge and trailing his hand over his partner's body, leaving soft, light touches in all the places he knew Chuuya was sensitive. 

It had been so long since the two had been joined like this. 

Too long. 

Dazai Osamu Angst ~Hello, Demon~ SoukokuWhere stories live. Discover now