Morning, kiddo

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Hey guys! Im so sorry for this impossibly late update! I kind of ran out of inspiration and I recently started rewatching BSD so, here I am again! With an extra-long chapter, too!


Dazai, now fully dressed, watched Atsushi wearily. 

The boy's eyes refused to leave his mentor's arms, where clean, fresh bandages spoke of recent harm. 

Atsushi sat down next to the bed, his shoulders hunched as always.

Dazai waited for the younger to initiate the conversation and, after a couple minutes, he finally met the older's eyes.

     "I just want to know, why? What is there to gain?" The boy asked. Dazai cringed, unsure of how to answer that. 

     "U-Uh...I guess it's, eternal rest." Not a complete truth, but not quite a lie either. 

Atsushi didn't buy it. 

     "Dazai-san, please...I was so scared. I just want to know why." The boy begged, his eyes gaining that puppy-dog look that Dazai was so susceptible to. 

Dazai sighed, picking absent-mindedly at the bandages and reveling the slight bursts of pain it provided. 

He really wasn't sure he wanted to spill his entire life story to the poor kid, but he didn't really know how else to explain it. 

He was silent for a few minutes. 

     "Atsushi, I-...I'm just tired. Very tired. And sometimes," a lot of the time, Dazai thought, not voicing his mind, "It seems easier to just let go." 

Atsushi still looked so concerned, so hurt. 

     "Why? Why are you so tired? Why does it feel like you need to die to be happy?" 

Dazai really didn't know what to say, but he felt his heart rate pick up speed as his mind drifted and he could almost feel blood dripping between his fingers from the increasingly cold body in his arms. He could hear the raspy breaths of his friend as he died and could hear the sound of blood hitting the tiled floor. 

Atsushi noticed his distant eyes and how his fingers had settled on his arms where his nails were digging into the bandages over the wounds, forcing them open indirectly. 

The boy panicked instantly, but, unsure of what to do, just watched as his mentor's breathing picked up speed and the red stains on his arms bloomed outwards. 

Finally, the boy had had enough and he picked up his phone, sending both Chuuya and Kunikida a single message of the word 'help'.

He didn't have time to say anything else because as he was typing, the brunette's hands had shifted to his hair and were busily trying to tear his messy locks out as he whispered something under his breath that Atsushi couldn't hear. 

The were-tiger jumped up and began trying to coax the detective into not tearing the skin on his face and scalp off. 

He managed to keep the damage minimal for the five minutes it took for the other two to arrive. 

Kunikida took the situation in within a couple seconds, leaping into action and joining Atsushi at Dazai's side. Using his notebook, he summoned a pair of noise-cancelling headphones and placed them over the ex-mafioso's ears, turning on relaxing music and carefully pulling the brunette's hands from his hair. 

Chuuya settled next to his former partner and held his hand away from his body, keeping him from doing any more damage. Kunikida did the same on the other side. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2019 ⏰

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