Morning, bloodstain

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Dazai awoke slowly, eyes landing on the ginger-haired man passed out on a chair near his bed. 

He began to cry, doing his best to stay quiet, and failing.

Despite everything, he still couldn't help wanting to die. 

The sound of his sobs were apparently enough to wake Chuuya, because in no time at all, the brunette was wrapped in a desperate embrace. 

     "You fucking moron! How could you do that to me?!" the ginger scolded, his voice shaking as he began to cry. 

Dazai wrapped his arms around Chuuya, hoping to comfort his friend (Partner? Lover? Dazai wasn't sure anymore. He knew what he wanted, but he wasn't sure how Chuuya felt.) 

Dazai zoned out quickly, his hands gripping at the bandages around his wrists sending sharp stabs of pain up his arms. 

He should be dead. 

Why wasn't he dead?

Why couldn't he just die?

Cruel thoughts spiraled through his aching head. 

Chuuya pulled away and saw the darkness building in his eyes again. 

Without even thinking about it, he leaned down and connected his warm lips with Dazai's chilled ones. 

They stayed like that for a few moments, lips dancing with the other. Warmth and comfort. Dazai felt safe, his mind clear for just those seconds. 

Chuuya broke the kiss, blue eyes fluttering open and immediately connecting with Dazai's chestnut ones. 

         "Your friends were really worried about you." Chuuya looked like he might start to cry again. "Y-you were out for almost a week Dazai..." 

Dazai didn't know what to say to comfort Chuuya. 

The brunette forced himself to conceal all of the darkness that coursed through him.

He could ask questions later, now, Chuuya needed him more. 

Dazai grabbed his partner's disheveled collar, yanking him down to his level. 

Their lips connected again, Chuuya lowering his hips onto Dazai's, leaning down to deepen the kiss.

Dazai nibbled the ginger's lip, warmth flooding through him at the gentle moan that escaped his partner's mouth. 

They fought for dominance, Dazai winning, as usual. 

The brunette placed a hand in the small of Chuuya's back, softly pushing him down so that as much of their bodies were in contact as possible. 

He slipped his hands up the ginger's shirt, running his palms over Chuuya's soft skin. 

He found a sensitive spot on his partner's hips, teasing it with expert fingers. 

Chuuya shivered and moaned quietly into the kiss. 

Finally, they parted for air, desire evident in both men's eyes. 

At the sound of footsteps heading for the infirmary, the men parted, Chuuya sitting back down and Dazai sitting up comfortably. 

Atsushi and Kyoka entered the room, giving a cry of glee when they saw that Dazai was awake. 

     "Dazai! Oh my god, we were so, so worried!" Atsushi yelped, throwing himself onto his mentor's bed and giving him a tight hug. 

Dazai would never admit it, but he was almost beginning to think of Atsushi as a younger brother, or maybe even as his kid. He knew it was stupid, but the boy was just so damn endearing. 

Kyoka hung back, but she did grab Dazai's hand in her own and give him a smile. 

While Dazai tried and failed to comfort a now crying Atsushi, Kyoka noticed how Dazai's clothes were ruffled and his face was flushed. Glancing at Chuuya, her trained assassin's eyes noticed the man's flushed face and pink lips, which his fingers were absent-mindedly toying with. 

Kyoka wondered what had happened between the two before. 

She had a feeling that she did not want to know. 

At that moment, Kunikida popped in to check on Dazai, as he had been for the week his partner had been in the infirmary. 

     "D-Dazai! You're awake!" The idealist darted into the room, taking a seat at the end of the bed. He had heavy bags under his eyes and he looked exhausted. He grabbed one of the brunette's hands and nervously undid the bandages over his wrist. He breathed a heavy sigh of relief to see that the wound was healing properly. "Thank god." He gave Dazai a tired but good-natured smile. "It's good to see you're alright. You really gave us quite the scare." 

Dazai gave an equally tired smile and, with shockingly tired eyes for someone who had slept for a week, he tried to pry Atsushi off of himself so he could try to stand. 

Chuuya darted to his feet, rushing to Dazai's side and helped support him as he stood up. 

When Dazai took a few hesitant steps while being supported by Chuuya, his hand wandered a little lower than Kunikida would have liked on the ginger's back, making Chuuya squeal lightly and giving his face a faint flush. 

Kunikida smiled, his hypothesis was, in fact, correct. There was something going on between these two. 

Sorry for the short chapter, I'll write more angst in the next chapter. 

BTW: my inspiration songs are Sarcasm by Get Scared and Me and the Devil by Soap&Skin

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