Chapter 9

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AN: Okay, this is the second-to-last chapter, as I said before. Not anything I can think of to tell you guys, other than it's really short. Some bromance at the end, because, why not? Josh's smile is the cutest thing- (Pictured above) Alright, let's go! 

By the end of the visit, I was dying inside. Having to say that this place was really 'helping me change my criminal ways', was the worst hour of my life. Everywhere we went, the state inspector would ask me about the daily going ons. Every time I'd lie through my teeth. And he told Snyder that no flags were raised and that because I seemed to be fixing my ways, he'd receive a bonus from the state. So, basically, the Refuge wasn't getting shut down and Snyder's going to be pulling even more kids in. Yay.

Finally, we ( Snyder, the Delancys, and me) escorted the inspector out. Snyder took him to his carriage, and left me with Oscar and Morris. I knew my time was up. Jack had probably already went back to the lodge house, unable to find me in the group room. That was it. I wasn't getting out of the Refuge for months. Then I heard a loud voice. My head turned to where it had originated. Hearing loud voices wasn't uncommon on the streets, the Delancy's hadn't even looked up. But I knew that voice. Jack was here somewhere. My eyes scanned the crowds of people, finally settling on a group of boys. Jack, Specs, Albert and Finch! When we made eye contact, Albert and Finch ran off. Jack and Specs walked towards me, finally ducking behind a cart. I wondered what they were up to. CRASH! Oscar and Morris looked away from me and in seconds, the plan became clear. I ran for it, hoping nobody was watching as I slipped past Snyder and the Inspector, both staring at the source of the sound, out the gates and behind the cart. Jack and Specs looked relieved I'd caught on so fast. As they gaped at my face, I heard Oscar say,

" Hey- where'd Racer go?" Jack silently motioned for us to follow him and we slowly walked away, happiness of my returning being temporarily suspended until we where far enough away.

" Race!" Specs shouted as soon as we were a block away from the Refuge. He hugged me and I winced. " Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to-" I waved him off.

" Nah, youse good. Thanks for springin' me."

" Of course." He said. We walked back, Jack also welcoming me back and telling me about how the new plan was introduced. When we got back to the lodge, Albert and Finch were just running up from the opposite direction.

" Race! Ya escaped!" They said excitedly. I nodded, then felt my legs give out beneath me. Jack caught me.

" Whoops. Probably shouldn't have had him run." Jack said pulling me towards the door of the lodge. The others followed us inside.

" Race, is you okay?" Finch asked.

" I dunno how many times that's been said this week, but it ain't been once." I mumbled, basically saying I was not okay. Everyone chuckled anyway as we entered the lodge and shut the door behind us. The main room, which served as game/living/dining room, erupted in cheers as all the lower Manhattan newsies swarmed the small group.

" Woah! Back it up! Back it up, Race jus' got outta the Refuge for heavens sake! C'mon move it." Jack said, pushing people out of the way. A small path was made and the boys set me down on the (one and only) couch. Then the path was covered up and every eye was on me. Usually I loved the attention, but I hated being seen like this. Jack and Crutchie noticed and together they shooed everyone away. They only ones who stayed by my side were the two and,

" JoJo." JoJo ran over and hugged me. I leaned into it, ignoring the pain, just glad to be back home.

AN: I'm not ready for the last chapter, honestly. 

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