Chapter 2

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AN: Hey y'all! Hope you're enjoying the story! I thrive on feedback, remember that. And here we go again.

I leaned against the wall, shaking from fear. I'd just seen Race hit and dragged off to jail, unfairly. I desperately wanted to help him. I know I'd just met him, but, he'd taken a chance on me, and had protected me from Snyder. I owed him. I took deep breaths, calming myself down. Think, I told myself, think. I couldn't get Race out on my own, and last I checked, I was alone. Wait, maybe I wasn't alone. Race was a newsie, and their street cred was really good, every kid knew about their rep. They were't one for all and all for me like every other street kid. They'd surely help me out, they were known for being family. I cautiously peeked my head out of the tarp covered trashcans, before crawling out. It was sunset, meaning a dangerous time to be out on the street. I set off, looking, but mostly listening for a newsie. I'd probably walked for half an hour before hearing anything of the sort.

" Extry, Extry!" Ding! That for sure was a newsie. I rushed around a corner to see a light-haired boy leaning on a crutch waving a paper above his head. I ran forward. " Hiya! Would ya like a pape?" He asked brightly. 

" Um, actually, could I ask you a question?"

" Sure." He said, lowering the paper.

"Do you know a newsie named Race?" I asked.

" Sure do. Ya a friend of 'is?" I nodded, relieved. " Thank goodness! I need your help. Snyder took Race to the Refuge!" The boy dropped the newspaper.

" What? Really? Are ya sure? How do ya know?" Question after question came.

" I was there when they took him, so I'm sure! Look, can we get him out now!"

" Woah, slow down. No way we's goin' alone. Let's go get the odda newsies help." He lowered himself down to grab the newspaper he'd dropped.

" Oh, let me get it for you." I said, picking the paper up.

" Oh, thanks." He shot me a smile. " What's youse name? I'se Crutchie, for obvious reasons. Me an' Race are friends, Youse could say we's broddas." He gave a little laugh.

" I'm Kate, nice to meet you Crutchie." We set off down the streets.

"Nice ta meetcha too, Kate. Um, can I ask how you know Race?" He fidgeted with his crutch." Ya don't hafta, but I'se just wonderin'."

" No, it's fine." We turned a corner. " I only met him today. He ran into the alley I was living in, hiding from Snyder, and I hadn't talked to anyone in a while, so I talked to him. When Snyder came running in, He pushed me into hiding, then turned away, so Snyder wouldn't find me." I felt a sob building as I said the last part.

" That sounds like Race. Don't worry, we'll get him out." Crutchie assured me as we cut through an alley. He sped up as we came out of it. " We's not far, it's just down 'ere." I followed him to a run down square. He turned to the doorway of a building with a sign above saying 'Newsboy Lodge House'. He waved me inside and shut the door behind him. A room full of boys fell silent, staring at me and Crutchie.

" Ay, Crutchie, who'd youse bring back?" A guy towards the front with red hair asked, smirking. A couple wolf-whistles rang out.

" Albert, it's no time for jokes." Crutchie reprimanded as laughter filled the room. " Race's gone to the Refuge. Where's Jack?" When he said that, a couple boys stood up, whispers filled the air as one of them asked, " What? Race, in the Refuge?" He looked scared.

" Yeah, ask Kate about it, JoJo. Will someone go grab Jack please?"

" I'll go." Someone ran up the stairs.

" Thanks Mush." Crutchie called over to Mush as he reached the top of the stairs. The rest of the boys gathered around Kate asking questions. "Woah, guys, back up. An' stop asking so many questions. Give her some space." The boys reluctantly backed away, obeying Crutchie. " Kate?" Crutchie asked above the noise. " I think the boys want to know how you know." Kate nodded.

" Okay, well, I'm Kate and I just met Race today when he was running away from Snyder. I assure you he's at the Refuge."

" We's trust ya Kate, right boys?" Another kid spoke up.

" Youse jus' tryin' to get her ta like ya Romeo." Albert said

" What's wrong with that?" Romeo asked innocently.

" Ah shut up both of ya." Another kid spoke up. This brought a small muttering about, mostly Albert. Only one person could have stopped this, and luckily, he did as soon as he popped his head in the room.

" HEY!" The boy, I assumed was Jack, yelled. Everyone immediately stopped, respecting him just like Crutchie. " What's this 'bout Race?" Everyone started talking again. " STOP!" He shouted.       " Crutch, what happened?"

" Race's in the Refuge Jack, and" Crutchie started before I interrupted,

"And we gotta save him!"

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