Chapter 10

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AN: This is it, We've reached the last chapter. I'm both happy and sad, but I won't get sappy on you guys. Please enjoy the last chapter. I'm not crying, you are.

" You ain't sellin' today Race. And that's it." I huffed, but stayed in bed. Jack looked over me, and then left. I let out a breath, slouching down against the bed frame I needed to get out of this place. It had already been four days since the Refuge and I was dying. The lodge is so boring when you have to stay inside all day. Plus I couldn't move that well still, so I'd been confined to the upper part. Which had only the bunkroom. At least one of the guys had stayed with me each day. Today, whoever was watching over me, I'd have to bribe or sneak past, so I could leave. I needed to be out on the streets, walking around, not stuck like I had been for almost 2 weeks. I was building up my plan when Jack came back. " Kate's gonna stay wit' you today. Don't do anything stupid, alright?"

" Yeah, whateva." I hadn't seen a lot of Kate since my return, only a quick greeting on the first night.

" Alright then, here she is. Don't try anything."

" Oh, shove off, will ya?" I replied. Kate sat down next to me as Jack left with the other boys.

" How have you been Race? I haven't been able to talk to you since you got back."

" I'se alright. How 'bout youse?" She shrugged.

" It's been better than my old life for sure. I've been free. The boys have basically adopted me, and I love being a part of a family again." She said wistfully.

" Yeah, I know the feeling. 'xept I neva had a family 'fore them, so just having a family is great too." She stared at me sadly.

" Every new moment I spend with you I getter sadder. I never realized that people could be so unlucky. Not having loving parents. Getting stuck in the Refuge. I'm very sorry Race."

" Ahh, don't be. Most folks don't see what we's really is before passin' us off as thieves and street rats. Everyone here's pretty much in the same boat." We sat quietly before I spoke again." Wanna go up on the roof?" She tilted her head, considering me.

" You don't look like you're in the position to climb up a ladder."

" Pshaw. I just got outta the Refuge and there ain't nothin' worse than that. I'll make it up. Don't worry." I stood up and she reluctantly followed. I crawled out the window and started up the ladder. It took the better part of a half-hour for me to finally get up to the roof and I was paler too.

" I knew it was a bad idea." Kate said, looking me up and down. I waved her off and motioned to the edge of the roof. We leaned against the bars and I breathed in the wonderfully cleaner air.

" You know, the boys were happy to have you back. They were kinda mopey with you gone." She stared out over the city.

" Youse lucky. When I'se here, they's way too hyper." She chuckled, turning back to me.

" I believe that. These last few nights have been crazy." I nodded.

" Wish I could be down there with ya."

" You're hurt Race."

" Oh, please. I gotta few cuts on my back and my face has seen better days. That's it."

" That's an understatement." There was another break while we just relished in the slowly lightening morning. I looked over at Kate. She had her eyes closed and was softly humming, a smile on her face. My plan for escaping disappeared. I weighed my options before speaking.

" Kate?" She opened her eyes, and looked over at me.

" Yes?"

" I'se been thinking. Astounding, I know." She laughed and I took a deep breath, my thoughts spiraling into one idea. " I'se know that ya don't got anyone, neither do I. But I got the newsies. And they's better than any parents could be. They's my family, and I think that you should be a part of that family. I know it ain't exactly the best life, living with a bunch a rowdy boys, been' a street rat, but we'll love ya and take care of ya. But you don't gotta, We ain't pushin' noth-" She shushed me.

" Of course I'd love to stay here. If you'll all have me."

" Oh, we will."

" And how do you know that? The boys aren't here to answer."

" I'll answer for them." I said, slipping my hand into hers. She smiled at the action.

" I think I'm going to like being here. Don't know if I'll survive all the flirting though. Everyone seems to be pros at it." We stared at each other, getting closer.

" I can fix that." Our lips connected as the sun came over the horizon, creating a beautiful color display. I was expecting her to break away immediately, sure I had ruined everything. She wouldn't want to stay and I, I mean we'd, lose her forever. But instead, she lightly kissed back. We broke apart a few seconds after, both of our faces red and blushing, but smiling.

" So the boys are just supposed to stop flirting because we had one kiss?" Kate asked teasingly.

" No," I replied. " But if we was together, they would. Then I could soak 'em and they can't get mad at me for it. So, whaddya say?" I asked nervously, looking down.

" Race, I've had a crush on you since you first ran into my alley. It's deepened as I've gotten to know you. I'd love to be with you Race." I looked up at her smiling as big as I could. We kissed again.

" Thanks for sticking with me when I'se was in the Refuge." I said the we broke apart.

" You saved me Race, I ain't leaving you in something like that ever." She winked when she went into an accent. I laughed. We held hands looking at the sunrise, just enjoying time together.

" It's almost as beautiful as you." I said, a smirk on my face.

" Wow, cheesy much?" She asked, laying her head on my shoulder. I shrugged, knocking her head off my shoulder. " Rude." Kate said, fake-pouting.

" Sorry." I said innocently. She rolled her eyes and laid her head down again. We stayed like that for a while, watching the sunrise. Suddenly, she shot up. " What?" I asked worriedly.

" How are we going to tell the boys?"

" Who cares, we have the whole day together. Worry about it later."

" You're right. Let's enjoy the only moments of peace we'll have." 


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