Chapter 8

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AN: Okay, 2 chapters left guys!! I'm really sad this is coming to an end. It was my first ever fan-fic, fun fact. I don't remember if I said anything about the Tony's, but they were on Sunday and boy, was I mad. But that's understandable, no one's ever going to be fully happy with anything, so congrats to everyone. Let's actually get back to the story, check in on Race-

" See ya tomorrow Racer." The Delancy's shoved me into the group room, before shutting the door. I muttered a few choice phrases about them as I limped back over to Snitch's bed. Coals came over and sat beside me.

" That don't sound good." He said.

" Yeah, tell me about it." I said, wincing as I poked at a large blister.

" How'd you get those?" Coals asked. " I thought Snyder took you out for another beating." I shook my head.

" Nah. He handed me off to the Delancy's. They made me clean a cell. The rag was the scratchiest thing ever. I mean, look at my hands." They were all red and had quite a few scratches. The blisters alone hurt as much as the sock in the nose Oscar gave me earlier. " Honestly, another beating would've been better. They already knocked me around before."

" Yeah, it looks like you got a few new additions to the face."

" That bad huh? Doesn't surprise me." We sat in silence for a while, before I broke it.

" I think'll get some sleep. The Delancy's will probably come and get me early tomorrow." Coals nodded and left me be.

>>>>>>>>> Another time skip!<<<<<<<<<<<

Two more days passed with almost no change. Jack and Kate came to visit me every night, bringing along some other newsie. After JoJo and Albert; Buttons, Romeo and Mush came on their respective nights. Romeo told me that Crutchie had wanted to come, but Jack didn't want him anywhere the Refuge. It was a stretch letting anyone but himself come, apparently. Jack also told me that he'd found out the tip they got was real.

" What's gonna happen is a surprise visit from the state. They have a guy comin' tomorrow. While he's there, a couple of us is gonna sneak in and grab ya. We'll hide, then run for it when we can. Got it?" I hadn't really, but I knew it was the only chance we had.

Also, we got some food, which of course was nothing but table scraps. On the bright side, The Delancy's didn't make me clean again. Apparently it wasn't enough fun for them. They just played around with me and gave me plenty of soakings. I probably looked terrible. I also 'served them', meaning any chores they did at the Refuge, I would do. And just do whatever they wanted me to do. I hadn't seen Snyder since he handed me off, so that was good. It was on the beginning of the third day that I finally saw him. The Delancy's had pulled me out again and I was currently laying on the ground waiting for another kick, which I'd already had dozens of this morning. Oscar was winding up for another one when the door opened. I raised my head and looked up to find Snyder. He glared at me then turned to the Delancy's.

" Let him up." I scrambled to my feet, glaring at the Delancy's. " We have a surprise visit from the state. I'll take him and you go tell Coals to get everyone ready." Oscar and Morris nodded and ran out the door. Snyder focused on me.

" You're going to come with me to meet them." I was confused. I needed to go back to the group room so Jack could come and get me. Guess Snyder had other ideas. He grabbed my arm and dragged me down to the front door.

" Let go of me you-" I struggled in his grasp. Snyder threw me to the ground. I wasn't expecting it and slammed my head against the ground. I rolled around on the ground, holding my head. Snyder loomed over me.

" I've already told you to behave. If you let anything slip to the state, your friends will be here before you know it." He grabbed my collar and pulled me up so we were face-to-face. " You understand?" I nodded angrily. He let go and I fell again. I pushed myself back to a standing position and continued to follow Snyder. " If he asks about what happened to you-say it was a fight. Answer all his questions with positive answers. If you say anything wrong." He threatened.

" I know, I know. You'll bring Jo and Crutch in." I muttered.

" Good. Now, let's get started, shall we?" 

AN: I love the top GIF so much. I want all of them. Please. 

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