Chapter 1 agent work to off the hook meetup

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Authors note
So, tbh I have been getting a lot of ideas and been making a lot to the artwork with sfm which I'm proud of so anyway sorry just wanted to say something's to where I find it post most things really anyway I'll shush so enjoy ur chapter

It's been like a week or so whatever I'm just making up the time...this agent work was literally a waste of time to be honest....I've been rolling them octorians and octolings a lot without a makes ya wonder who the fuck even let this happen?......

Flashback meanwhile in somewhere

Marie: "Alright tim I know it's random but I need ya to protect the great zap fish, got it?" She asked as He only motions a thumbs up

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Marie: "Alright tim I know it's random but I need ya to protect the great zap fish, got it?" She asked as He only motions a thumbs up

Marie: "ok I'll see ya later" she said as She left and hour later some octolings snuck in as they were about to grab the zap fish but noticed tim as they stared at him

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Marie: "ok I'll see ya later" she said as She left and hour later some octolings snuck in as they were about to grab the zap fish but noticed tim as they stared at him

???; "umm...hey should we splat him?" It said as they been stared at

???2; "he don't seem to be doing much nor have I think a brain..." it also said as it studied him a little

??? 3: "OI! Wankers! Let's just get this shit and leave!!" It shouted as They nodded fast and they took then quickly ran out with the zap fish as Tim just watch it all happen staring

Flashback end
Whatever...probably some "experts" took it, my thoughts been interrupted as I finally reached the end of stage 4 and see the zap fish in a cage as 2 octolings protected it until they noticed me

???: "get him!" She shouted at her teammate as they ran at me so I just dodge and knock out little miss loud mouth one and smack the other with my weapon breaking her goggles then aim my hero shot until....

??? 2: "w-wait!!" She yelled motioning me to hold my fire as I didn't wanna listen until she started to...,.w-what was it called?...tears...yes..she was crying as I slowly put my weapon down but had my guard up

??? 2; "I-I..w-wanna say t-thank y-you..." she tells me shaking

Y/n: "for what?..." I said like I wanted to care but couldn't much with this but at least seem kinda interested at the same time

Painted black.. broken male inkling reader x splatoon haremWhere stories live. Discover now