Bonus chapter 2 loser gets followed and mr inkback

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Authors note
So I gotten a little bored but I've literally been thinking non stop of just doing another bonus chapter so much and even kept thinking it over so let's get this over with, anyway enjoy also I'm kinda trying to work with next chapter for bioshock while doing multiple rough drafts. So let's beg- scott now!!

Austin was about to flip a book until Scott tackles him down and chuck him out the window

Better....anyway let's begin

Loser POV
I've been exploring around, kinda tired after running away from a weird killer deer. I pulled out my radio and started speaking to Scott

Ms loser: "alright I'm coming back to the shack...yea I see it" I said then waited for a response until I hear it

Scott: "yea whatever...I'm coming back as well, imma give this stuff to ya n see if you can drop it- wait...loser?" I heard him sounding questionable

Ms loser: "yea scott?" I asked

Scott: "are you running with a flare?" He asked me as I was confused

Ms loser: "no? I haven't got one in awhile after I burned gun with it and he ran off" I tell him as he went quiet for a little, then says something

Scott: "wait then someone's near our shack..." he tells me as I looked around then see a figure

Ms loser: "hey is that you?" I asked him

Scott: "not with a flare.." he said over the radio while somehow wearing Waldo clothing

Ms loser: "oh fuck...then someone might be following me" I tell him worryingly, I finally made it up and look around

Scott: "loser you at the top yet?" He asked me as I reply a yes

Scott; "ok yea someone's definitely following should maybe hide" he tells me, I nodded to myself and look around

Ms loser: "yea fuck that...I'll hide alright" I tell him as I look around still, then finally find a spot and hide behind A little wall laid into a tree. I looked around then peaked a little seeing someone coming

Ms loser: "oh god...s-scott idk where to go..." I tell him

Scott: "wait....the fuck is that?...loser I think the guy looted our shit, imma stop him" he says as I kept looking around, thinking where is that follower? Until I heard someone...

Scott: "adios!! Don't loot our shit you fuck boi!!!" Is what I heard as I felt an axe hit my back

Ms loser: "ow!! Fuck!! That me! That's me!!" I shouted as Scott realized what he did then shouts

Scott: "WTF?!!! That's you!!?" He yells as we started arguing

Ms loser: "of course it's me!!" I yelled as he shouts back

Scott; "goddamnit you sick son of a bitch, you told me you didn't have a flare!!" He yells as I was still confused

Ms loser: "Scotty I seriously never had a flare!!" I tell him as he growls

Scott; "then what the fucking hell is in your damn hands??!" He yells asking as I looked at what I'm holding

Ms loser: "it's an axe!" I yelled as I really didn't noticed it glowing while he gave me a annoyed really look

I was laughing creepily as I was the killer and looked to where we are

Y/n: "ooooo, the ironworks of inkback~.." I said as I walked around then noticed ace

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