Chapter 6 A happy little accident (lemon)

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Authors note
1k reads, wow this story did great thx to you people for reading with this story and! I'm surprised I gotten 700 followers I really didn't think I be that great with the stories I make since there is a lot of authors that do there best into stories, but anyway thank you people for the support on that and enjoy the chapter and lemon and I do not have regrets putting up bob ross

..... silence was the only thing as i am seeing agent 4 naked with 8 and they both are on her bed and as they are looking very embarrassed...boy how did this even started again?

The concert I'll admit was good, got to see old friends, but now I'm just hanging with the others while I smile cigars and watch agent 8 drawing as it looked adorable to be honest until agent 3 came and gave her killer glare like usual at me of course she still hates me, but should that matter? Well I don't care not my problem with her hating

8: "y/n! Y/n!" I heard her calling out to me as I look at her and she shows me her drawing, I'll say it looks cute really as I just chuckle

Y/n: "you did good 8, I like it" I tell her as she smiles widely and giggle while i notice 3 getting more of a menacing glare at me making me roll my eyes

8: "hey mandy! Look what I drew!" She shouted calling mandy to her as she came over and smiled seeing the picture

Mandy: "awww it's adorable!" She tells her and rub her cheek as I just sigh and look at the sky until I felt someone sat next to me. Then look seeing a seductively smirking mandy as she took my cigar and threw it away as my eye twitch a bit and gave me a thought

Y/n mind

Mandy: "sooooo~ what ya doing later?" She asked as I knew she's gonna go with flirting tactics...Jesus even callie is the same....makes ya wonder who tries too much for flirting? Eh who knows..

Y/n: "maybe just go home and rest not really doing much mandy.." I tell her as I get out another cigar and she slapped it outta my hand...this bitch! this is like the time tadayoshi hidden my cigars!

Y/n: ".... I swear imma strangle you mandy,.," I tell her annoyed as I growl a bit while she giggles

Mandy: "oh would you really hurt lil ol me~?" She asked circling her finger on my chest until a savior came...

8: "what are you 2 doing?" She asked confused of what we were doing as mandy quickly stopped

Mandy: "n-nothing! N-n-nothing at a-all 8.." She said a bit worried as I snicker making 8 shrug then I look at the others

Y/n: "say guys where is 4? I haven't seen her awhile really" I ask them as they look at each other's

Marie: "hmmm..I don't really know we haven't seen her in awhile, maybe you can go check up on her later?" She asked as I thought a little but shrug

Y/n: "maybe, maybe but anyway imma go, see ya girls" I tell them as mandy and callie groan from me leaving

Callie: "can't you maybe just stay for a little longer please?" She asked begging a little same to mandy as they started making puppy eyes making me sigh

Y/n: "Jesus is cute your weapon to try get someone's attention?.." I asked in a annoyed tone as callie gasp and faints then mandy just sighs, while Marie giggles

Marie: "guess she'll be rambling on about how you didn't give into her cuteness" she said laughing a bit as I shrug

Y/n: "cute or not, I like to see her try getting out of a death situation.." I tell her as I got up and get another cigar out but Marie slaps it outta my hand and I slowly look at her

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