Chapter 2 day's off for a "happy" hangout..

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Authors note
Hey guys so l-

Suddenly another me kicked open the door as I punched the other me and took off a mask as it revealed my twin derpy (go check out the Rosario vampire story if confused) as I look at the audience then take a seat

Sorry about that everyone things been made And done, so anyway before I begin the chapter the reason for this story being made was the inspiration as I would love to credit 2 people which be MissLoserLover and Tadayoshiscott In my opinion i would recommend to go check em out and see some of the stories they made, it's fucking epic really and I'm excited for the next chapters for the story they'll post so anyway that's all I'll have to say and roll the chapter!

Sees Austin roll a book

Damnit Austin I swear imma make you join me with jumping out the window!

Author POV
Morning was slowly rising today as the sun came up shining through a window and suddenly a cloak rages out ringing it's annoying sound until...

Sometimes I really fucking hate cloaks...welp gotta get a new one soon then...

Y/n: "hmm....probably should get dressed and go to Marie's agency work with that stages or boss to go deal with...." I said to myself and there was silence for awhile then I laid back down

Y/n: "ah I'm sure she can get someone else or I can skip it cause I ain't getting the fuck up..." I said to myself as I slowly close my eyes until I heard a annoying sound....

My phone been ringing with some stupid orange sound as I was so close to smash my phone for its well faith but stopped and sigh heavily which it was marie calling

Y/n: "I swear after this I'mma tear ace limb from fucking limb if he messes with my phone more...." I said very annoyed as I ignore the call but hear voicemail

Marie: "h-hello? Agent 7?" She asked to make sure I was there and it went on for awhile with her spamming the way she tried to call me as I started growling a bit and get really pissed off then finally answer

As soon as I did that she instantly hanged up and I shrugged and put my phone away. But right before I lay down? She calls again!! So I answer...

Y/n: "what what what?!!! Marie what do you fucking want?!" I shouted very annoyed now, when I'm trying to skip this bullshit and relax

Marie: "w-woah! Calm down y/n are you ok?" She asked a bit concerned as I facepalm then sighed

Y/n: "Marie I'm trying to relax...why did you call?.." I asked impatiently while rubbing the bridge of my nose ignoring my head hurting

Marie: "w-well..I-I wanted to say that you are on a d-day off today so you don't have to come do some agent work if you don't wanna.." she said a little worried while I sigh more

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