Salty Sunsets (Julian)

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Trigger warning(s): None!
Gender- Neutral Chapter
I look over the dock at the sunset shinning onto the calm ocean,the only other thing in sight is the ships entering and exiting the port over the horizon. I let out a content sigh, I feel overwhelmingly relaxed. The sound of the waves crashing against the dock, shore, and rocks, paired with the spray of the water against my face, and the feeling of the chill ocean breeze against my face puts me completely at easy. So much so that I don't hear the foot steps of someone approaching from the dock from behind me. The person moves from behind me to my side, and  me puts his arm around my shoulder "Hello darling." I look over and see Julian smiling down at me,and when I say smiling down I mean literally smiling down because I am quite short compared to him,well I'm short compared to everyone in this town expect for Portia at this point, he's 6'4 so this means he's extremely tall compared to me. I smile and lean into his touch. He doesn't expect my reaction and he lays his hands around my waist and turns me to face him carefully. I feel him move he one hand off my waist only to put it on my back. I wrap my arms around his neck and smile softly "The sunset is almost as beautiful as you." I say this softly and he laughs softly and blushes at my horrible pickup line. He kisses my forehead and replies "Not as pretty and you." I giggle a little back and he pick me up and holds me so my legs are wrapped around his waist and my arms around his neck, all of this so he can have me at eye level. I smile at this and run a hand down his face. He lowers his head slightly into my touch. He lays another kiss on my forehead and I kiss him softly on the lips. I move my hand to his cheek as he kisses me back with a little more passion. I feel him smile into the kiss. We break apart after a while and I lay a hand on his chest, keeping my other one on his cheek. I look back at him and lay my head in the crock of his neck. I feel at home when I am in his arms, it was like we were a puzzle that fit perfectly together. I move my hands so they are resting on his back and he smiles softly at me as he rubs my back with the hand that was against my back. I rub his back back and he laughs slightly at this. "Comfy?" I smile and nod "Very." I kiss his chin and this causes him to laugh once more. "Alright Darling, I see that , but my arms can't hold you forever my love." He carefully sets me back down on the rickety dock. He wraps his arm around my shoulder again, his coat that rests on his shoulders flaps over my own. I lean into his side. "How did you know where to find me." I ask this and he shrugs. "I know you very well my dear, I know you like watching the sunset on the beach, I do too but preferably with a Salty Bitters in my hand as well." I snort a bit at his response and he brightens up with a moment of genius. "I have a plan,  how about we head to the Rowdy Raven get a drink and come back here?" He smirks and I giggle a little "I'd love that Ilya." He begins to walk us there I take in everything around us. Everything here from the ocean,the soft murmurs of the approaching city, to the sunset,and him,Dr Devorak himself. I never thought I would find comfort in a person in the first place, so being comforted by every single thing about him from the way he laughs to the way he always smelt of the ocean, and alcohol, which is a weird combination but it surprises me how soothing the scent was to me. I lean closer to him, feeling myself warm from my evening spent in the chilly evening wind, and it was even better because I was in the arms of my love. "We could also just stay at the Raven if you want to for a bit too since you seem quite chilly." He suggest this as he shrugs his coat off of his shoulders , moving it so it rests around my shoulder. I smile and take his hand that is resting on top of my shoulder and hold it in place, not wanting him to let go just yet. "I'd do anything as long as I'm with you." I say this and I can tell that with his shit eating grin that he is going to take this as an opportunity "We could be pirates?" I full blown laugh at his answer, not completely expecting his response." Hell yes." He smiles and picks me up and spins me around before offering me his hand. "Well then to our ship! The Rowdy Raven!" I giggle again and take his hand. He kisses the top of my hand and begins to walk us away from the ocean and to the bar. At this point we visit as a pair weekly now, and sometimes I wonder if I wasn't here to control him that he'd be there daily.
(2020)Ayyyyy just edited this one I hope you guys enjoy this!
(2022) just re-edited this with my big rewrite spree I am on so I hope you all enjoy the new and improved chapters. This one is on the shorter side but it is still a good time!
Originally published: July 17th 2019
Edited: August 7th 2020
Edited/Rewritten again: March 2021
Rewritten: 7-1-2022
Updated Word count: 1,005
Original Word count: 433

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