Chapter 3 ✧

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I enter French class in a huff after running from the other side of the school to get here on time. I involuntarily look to the back of the classroom to see Easton and as I do I am immediately filled with regret as our eyes meet. I don't want to give him the wrong impression and act like I didn't mean what I said yesterday for him to leave me alone, but I subconsciously want to know how he is after yesterday. Although I was wrong to think he would be anything but okay, he looks perfectly content with the blonde curly haired girl lounged across him. He sends a devilish grin my way as the girl intensely kisses his neck and I revert my eyes from the sight as I sit down in my seat.

"Pop quiz everyone!" Ms Bisset exclaims as she enters the classroom, swishing the papers in her hand through the air. The whole class groan in response, muttering under their breath as she hands them a test paper.

Once she hands me a paper I begin, blazing through the questions. I've always been good at French; I'm often practicing the language as an excuse to get out of uncomfortable family events so its no surprise to myself that I find the entire quiz easy. As I scribble down the last answer Ms Bisset proclaims the end of the quiz and we all hand up our papers placing it on her desk.

For the remainder of the class we continue on with our assigned work while Ms Bisset grades our papers to give out to us by the end of class. I can't help by notice Ms Bisset shaking her head in disappointment as she grades the papers continuously marking down red cross' and I just hope that paper isn't mine.

"May everyone please come to the front and collect their paper," Ms Bisset instructs as she sets down the stack of papers at the front of her desk.

I grab my paper to see a big 100% symbol plastered in red pen at the front of the paper and a smile grows across my face. I look to Ms Bisset who gives me a smile of approval and I return to my seat in an overjoyed state. As I look through my paper looking at the various ticks and smilyfaces the bell signals for the end of the day.

"Mr Wright and Miss Hudson," Ms Bisset calls, pulling us in with her finger.

As I gather my things making my way to her desk I wonder what she wants, probably to congratulate me and the other student for our efforts on the quiz. The last name Wright does sound awfully familiar and when I see a boy in a leather jacket walk to Ms Bisset's desk that's when I realise why it sounds so familiar, it's Easton.

"So I've called you two hear today in hope of arranging a tutor session for you Mr. Wright who after todays quiz results seems to need some extra help with French, and after todays quiz I realised the perfect person for the job would be Ms Hudson who acquired a perfect score. What do you think?"

"Oh-h Ms. Bisset...I'm flattered but I'm no tutor, I don't know if-" I stutter uncomfortable with her proposal.

"Don't be so modest, you'll make a fine tutor. Plus it will great on your collage application!" Ms Bisset persuades and it is defiantly very persuasive.

It's my dream to go to collage, somewhere far, far away from my family and their expectations. It may sound cruel but I'm just tired of being controlled and overthinking every minor detail for their sake, I'm ready to become my own person, and collage can give me that.

"Okay...I'll do it," I give in and Ms Bisset claps her hands together in joy.

"And Mr Wright, are you happy to work on your French with Miss Hudson?" Ms Bisset queries and Easton simply nods his head in agreement. "Wonderful! I've got to go to a teachers meeting but you two talk details on your tutoring sessions."

As Ms Bisset leaves the classroom I look over to Easton who is leaning against the teacher's desk, arms crossed, head down. As I open my mouth to discuss when we should meet Easton jumps in, "Its kind of hard to leave you alone when your tutoring me. Why'd you agree to it?" he says showing off a sly smile as he looks up to make contact with me.

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