Chapter 10 ✧

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As I open my locker door to put away a few books before heading to the library I notice a note floating at the bottom of my locker. I scan my surroundings to see if anyone is watching to see that the hallway is empty. I pick up the note unfolding it and reading its substance. It reads 'I'll wait for you – E' bringing a smile to my face. With that I shut my locker and scurry down the hallway to the school park peering out the window to see Easton alone. I watch as his head darts in my direction at the sound of the door opening followed by a toothy grin when he sees me making me blush uncontrollably.

"Hey," he says once I'm close enough to him still grinning.

"Hey," I say shyly still feeling nervous around him despite our kiss, but maybe that's why I'm nervous. To me the kiss was amazing, I couldn't imagine it to get much better than that but that's just me. For someone like Easton who has so much experience the kiss could have been mediocre.

"Your free now right?" he questions me which I nod in response to. "Good, because were going out!" He says getting on his motorcycle and handing me a helmet.

"Easton there is no way I'm getting on your bike! What if someone sees?" I say wide-eyed and concerned.

"No one will know its you with the helmet on! Plus you have nothing to worry about, I'm a great driver," he adds earning a laugh from me at his self-praise. "Come on, you know you want to," he continues giving me a devilish smirk. I shake my head in defeat grabbing the helmet from his hands as he smiles in triumph. I put the helmet on over my head sliding onto the back of his bike. "Now hold on," Easton says takes my hands and wrapping them around his waist for me. He can probably feel my hands shaking against him, partly because I'm about to ride a motorcycle and partly because I'm touching Easton.

"Where are we going?" I muffle through the helmet as Easton revs the engine.

"It's a secret."

"Why does everything have to be a secret?" I rhetorically question referring to our relationship or whatever you want to call it.

"Its more fun that way."

As we ride down the busy streets my eyes are shut tight, not so where ever we are going remains a surprise but because I'm scared for my life. I try not to think about all the people in town who have probably looked at us while on the road; I mean Easton's motorcycle isn't one of the subtlest modes of transportation. But it's okay because no one can tell it's me on the bike with the helmet on, sure maybe my poofy lilac beige skirt is an eye saw but heaps of girls around town wear skirts like that too. I feel the bike come to a stop meaning it is finally safe for me to open my eyes.

"Where are we?" I question looking around at this unrecognisable place. "This isn't the part in the movie where you kill me right?" and Easton only snickers in response not exactly answering my question.

"Here, come," he says extending a hand as I get off his bike. We walk a little further down out from the trees and bushes and our town's famous creek is revealed. "Up on this hill you get the best view in town, not many people know about it though so it's perfect."

"It's so beautiful up here," I exclaim while admiring the view, turning around back to Easton to see him laying out a rug. He sits down on the rug patting the seat next to him, which I take. As I sit down admiring the view I feel Easton's stare, despite it making me a little nervous it was also quite comforting in a way.

"Hold on a second, stay right there as you are," Easton says as he gets up from the rug and I can see him fiddling around his bike. The next thing I can hear is the flashing on a camera causing me to turn my head in surprise.

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