Chapter 7 ✧

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As I sit in homeroom my eyes are fixated on the doorway, hoping that Easton will be the one to walk into the classroom so I can somehow give him back his leather jacket. His jacket over the past couple days has been a constant reminder of my momentary change in character. How I disobeyed my parents, lied to my brother and almost kissed Easton. The other night has a very rational explanation that comes down to growing up, every one slips up and has one of those rebellious, teenage moments but I've chosen to learn from it. Whatever I may or may not feel for Easton needs to stay strictly on a friends only basis.

I try and remain hopeful that Easton will come today knowing that our French test is first period. Despite his bad boy persona and reckless demeanour I know he cares about his grades and wants to do better. He'll come today...I know it.

Mr Bennett walks through the doorway making the chances of Easton coming less likely but he's probably late, he never shows up to homeroom anyway, at least that's what I'm telling myself to stay optimistic. I pull out my French book to look over some last minute things before the test next. The words sound off in my head 'église, le déjeuner, en train d'étudier, cuisson' as I try and memorise them for the test.

Soon enough the bell sounds off and I motion towards French class entering the classroom to see no Easton and I feel my heart sink. Ms Bisset begins explaining the test conditions but I can't focus on her, only on Easton and the fact that he isn't here. I really thought he would come.

The loud creaking of the door snaps me out of my state and I look up to see Easton and so does the whole class, gasps and whispers sounding off around me. Its only then that I notice Easton is obviously not wearing his leather jacket since I have it leaving him in only his black jeans and white t-shirt. I really have never seen Easton without his leather jacket besides at Church of course and I'm presuming no one else has either gathered by their shocked reactions. Everyone defines Easton with his leather jacket so to come without it has people thinking that there must be some big monumental reason as of why. I bet and well I hope that their last guess would be that I have it. Our eyes meet briefly before he heads to the back of the classroom with his friends. I can breathe easy now knowing that he's here, that he is trying to do better. I just hope the studying we've done together actually benefits him.

Once Ms Bisset hands out all the test papers she gives us the okay to start and I begin writing away, writing so much that my hand begins to cramp up. 40 minutes into class she stops us and collects all the test papers.

"Congratulations everyone, or should I say toutes nos felicitations! You have finished your first French test of the year, I'm sure you all did well. Grades will be given out next class. Enjoy the rest of class doing independent work."

I rest my head in my hand exhausted from taking the test when I feel someone's body brush past me. I look up to see Easton walking up Ms Bisset's desk before murmuring something to her and then discreetly looking back at me before leaving the class. He wants me to follow him, should I? Before I can even answer my own question my body takes control over my mind and walks up to Ms Bisset's desk.

"Ms Bisset could I please go to the bathroom?" I ask once I reach her desk, bag on my shoulder.

"Oui," she says yes in French barely looking up from the papers she's grading and with that I scurry out the door and into the hallway.

I look around the empty hallway to see no Easton, where did he go? I begin to slowly walk the hallway lost in my own train of thoughts before being grabbed and pulled into a small dark room. The light flickers on revealing Easton amongst the shadows however the location is still foreign to me.

"Where are we?" I say at a whisper not knowing who might be around to hear us.

"Supply closet," Easton states. The light becomes stronger illuminating the room and revealing the scattered cleaning products and such.

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