Chapter 3: Kevlar Town & Nowtoch City. A Trade for a New Friend.

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Jordan spent some hours in Route 01. Catching Pokemon, battling with other trainers and completing the Pokedex. 'I wonder if Theo is taking this as seriously as I do...'


~Meanwhile with Theo~

We find Theo sitting under a tree doing...




~Back to Jordan~

'...Of course he isn't' "Eletux, come." Eletux let out a cry and followed its Trainer. Jordan decided to let Eletux travel with him. He didn't mind the company of the little horse-like creature. Right now he was close to Kevlar Town. He would stock up on items and send the Pokemon he caught to the Professor.


~Time Skip~

Jordan arrived in Kevlar Town. It wasn't much bigger than Moki Town, but it had a Pokemon Centre and a Pokemart. Jordan glanced at Eletux "You tired?" Eletux looked at Jordan and nodded. Jordan nodded back "We are going to the Pokemon Centre." he announced and Eletux let out a happy cry.

They found the Pokemon Centre after a 5 minute walk. They headed inside and Jordan returned Eletux to its Pokeball and handed it to Nurse Joy so she can heal it. He walked towards the P.C and called Professor Bambo'o. He picked up and his face appeared on the screen.

"Yo, Jordan! Where are you right now?"

"Kevlar Town."

"Uh huh. So how's your journey coming along?"

"Good. Eletux has improved a bit, and I caught some Pokemon. Sending now." Jordan sent every Pokemon he caught except Eletux.

Professor Bambo'o looked at him puzzled "Aren't you gonna keep any of them?" he asked.

Jordan shook his head.

"May, I ask why?"

"None of them fill my team's weaknesses."

Bambo'o shrugged "It's your choice, but don't you think it'll be too much pressure for Eletux to battle alone against the first gym?"

"I'll arrange something." Jordan replied.

"Well, your team your choice, I guess. Anyway, I shouldn't keep you any longer. Call me whenever you have the chance."

Jordan hummed and nodded.

"Bye Jordan"

Jordan bowed and ended the call.

"Jordan Hajime!" he heard Nurse Joy call his name. He walked towards the counter and Joy smiled at him "I'm happy to inform you that your Eletux is healthy and in fighting fit." she handed him Eletux's Pokeball "We hope to see you again soon!"

Jordan bowed "Thanks." he started leaving, after taking Eletux out of its Pokeball, but was stopped by a purple haired teenager.

"Hey you!" he called out to Jordan.

Jordan glanced at him "Hm?"

The guy smirked "Name's Mawuli! A.K.A the Chyinmunk master! I challenge you to a battle!"

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