Chapter 28: Nuclear Mode On! Electruxo vs. Gyarados

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Maylene's eyes were about to pop out from their sockets. 'He... He did it again... Just what is he?!'

Ben and his partner had a look of shock plastered on their faces as well "Woah... What in the reverse world is going on?!"

"I... I don't know..." Maylene stuttered.

Jordan grinned evilly 'Oh, it feels even better than I remember... This power...' a few low chuckles escaped his lips 'This power is amazing!' "Electruxo! Nuclear Charge!"

Maylene's eyes became as wide as saucers "Huh?!"

Electruxo roared as he got shrouded with green nuclear electricity, before charging at Nuclear Gyarados. The Atrocious Pokemon let out a loud cry on impact, before glaring and smacking Jordan's starter away with its tail, sending it in the water. When Electruxo swam on the surface, he was hit by a blast of radioactive wave.

Jordan narrowed his eyes as he tried to use his Nuclear Vision, that helped him defeat Cali's Sableau. He smirked as his vision turned black and bright green again 'I'm starting to get the hang of this...' "Electruxo! Underwater!" he commanded.

Electruxo nodded and dove underwater, followed by the Nuclear Gyarados. Jordan shifted his gaze to the water and saw Gyarados ramming Electruxo multiple times and deduced that it was using Thrash. "Electruxo! Get out of there! Magnet Rise!"

Jordan saw Electruxo rise up to the surface of the water and float over it. "Scald!" he commanded once Gyarados surfaced. Electruxo charged the beam of boiling hot water and fired it at the Atrocious Pokemon. The attack hit Gyarados square in the face. It roared in pain as the water burned its skin. The Nuclear Pokemon glared at Jordan's now Water/Nuclear type, before hitting it with its tail, before assaulting it with a barrage of physical hits. When it stopped Gyarados seemed to lose awareness of its surroundings.

Jordan noticed this 'So the confusion starts to take effect.' his eye shone "Electruxo! Nuclear Charge then follow up with Scald!"

Electruxo got surrounded with nuclear electricity and charged at Gyarados. When he landed a hit, he jumped back and fired a Scald at it. Gyarados cried in pain and started falling back. Jordan doing some quick thinking jumped out of the way. Ben and Maylene took a few steps back as Gyarados landed right in front of them. Maylene couldn't hold back a shriek of fear when its eyes suddenly snapped open and it started charging an attack. Electruxo however tackled him out of the way at the last second, which resulted in the Atrocious Pokemon firing a thick green liquid from its mouth into a nearby tree, destroying in on the spot.

Ben released a breath he didn't even know he held in "Whew... Way too close..."

Maylene could only whimper in response, thinking how close to death she was.

Jordan glared at Gyarados as he raised his hand in the shape of a pistol 'And now, time to lay the coup de grace!' his eye shined brightly "Die! Electruxo, Nuclearbolt!"

Nuclear energy combined with electricity started surrounding the Hippocampus Pokemon. Electruxo let out a loud cry as the shine on the green parts of his body intensified. It fired the new Nuclear attack at Gyarados. Gyarados roared loudly as the pain it felt from the attack was massive. When his eyes slightly opened, you could see life leaving them.

Maylene noticed, and quickly turned to Jordan "Jordan! Call off the attack! Quick!" she said hastily with a commanding voice. She waited for Jordan to do it but her eyes widened in fear when she saw him smirking. He... was enjoying the sight of this Pokemon... Dying.

Gyarados kept screaming until it couldn't. It slowly started falling backwards as its eyelids slowly fell clothes. This Pokemon let out its final breath as its back collided with the water surface.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2020 ⏰

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