Chapter 20: Shocking Discoveries

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When the quartet got off the ship they glanced around the area. Many builders and rangers were around doing some sort of work with the help of Pokemon. A small rest house could be seen in the distance. Standing a little further was the new Power Plant and a ginormous nuclear reactor, both of which were currently being built. Materials were scattered around here and there. The air on the island had a weird scent, and made it slightly harder to breathe.

Theo pinched the bridge of his nose as he throwed unimpressed glances around "Man, this is where dad works? What a dump..."

Maylene scrunched her nose as she let out a grunt in agreement "I know right? I can hardly breathe without having the urge to puke."

Natalie hummed as she frowned. Orchynx, who was sitting on her shoulder, made a coughing sound before scurrying inside her bag.

Jordan used his scarf as a makeshift mask. 'So, this is the place... It's a total dump.' he thought. He glanced at Electruxo, who seemed really uneasy. He then moved his gaze to Natalie's trembling bag. 'The air here seems to affect our Pokemon.' he observed.

"I suggest returning your Pokemon to their Pokeballs. The air here might make have negative effects in their health." a voice called out to the foursome (A/N: Aight this is the first and last time I use this word.)

They all followed the source of the voice, to be met with the sight of an adult version of Theo. It was Cameron Caine, walking up to the pairs of Trainers and Rangers. Jordan returned Electruxo and Natalie returned Orchynx. "Mr. Cameron. Good to see you." he said bowing respectfully.

Theo brightened "Daddy!" he said throwing himself in Cameron.

Cameron smiled as he let out a laugh hugging his son back "Good to see you Theo." he said before both moved away from the embrace. Cameron smiled "My goodness you've grown so much!"

It's true, Theo has had a sudden growth spurt since the beginning of the journey. He went from not even surpassing Jordan's chest to being almost as tall as Natalie and Maylene, who were both about half a head shorter than Jordan.

Maylene observed the father-son moment with a small blush 'Cute...' she thought.

Jordan glanced at the Ranger, who was staring at a bragging Theo and raised a confused eyebrow 'What is so interesting about the Tomato Berry-Head.' he thought confused.

Cameron placed a hand on his son's shoulder "I am really proud of your achievements Theo... Your mother would be proud."

Theo smiled "Now that you mention it, when is she coming back from that business trip in Torren?"

Cameron smiled sadly, although most didn't notice it, "Soon son... Soon." he said with a slightly saddened tone.

Jordan narrowed his eyes 'Theo's mother... I've never heard Mr. Cameron talk about her. Weird...'

Cameron shook his head, before his gaze moved to the two Rangers "Ah, but where are my manners? You two must be Natalie and Maylene." He walked towards the two former classmates with a smile "Kellyn has told me a lot of great things about you. It's a pleasure." he said extending his hand.

Natalie shook his hand with a smile "Pleasure is all mine sir."

Maylene took her turn shaking Theo's father's hand "Great to meet you sir." she said before glancing between Theo and Cameron "Wow, it appears that strange hair is a common trait in this family." she said mildly impressed by the resemblance.

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