Chapter 1

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7 minutes. 7 dang minutes.

My fingers tapped a rythm on the wall.

I was finally 'ready' to leave this garbage can of a home.

Would Joseph remember me? Of course he would, it's not like he's been in a freak accident that triggered some kind of retrograde amnesia, right?! Oh shut up Zola!

Everything's fine.

He's fine.

You're fine.

I looked up at the mirror, a girl with long black hair and almond shaped eyes that sparkled in the light looked back.

Her skin, flawless and her full lips seemed to be indented with a smirk.

"Uh, Zo?" a familiar voice spoke. I spun round to find Joseph , standing there rubbing his neck.

I must say he changed in 11 years and for the good too.

His hair was golden brown like a burnt marshmallow.

Really Zola?! 

A burnt marshmallow?!

You really need to work on your comparisons. And his body, don't even get me started on the perfection I nearly drooled over.

I guess Joseph noticed me staring so he called again, "Zola?".

I brought my eyes up to his and smiled. Something I haven't done in a long time. "Hi."

"So uh, you ready to go?"

"Hell yeah, I've been waiting for this for eleven years."

"I take that as a yes then" Joseph said grinning, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards him.

I entered his embrace, feeling light headed.

"I missed you." he mumbled into my hair.

"I missed you too." I said to his chest.

A clearing of Claire's throat is what brought us apart.

"Well Zola, I think you're supposed to go now." She chirped, eyeing Joseph and I's entwined hands.

She was always hitting on guys who came to the centre like a baseball bat.

"Thank you Claire. But this one's mine." I said with a grin. Claire gasped shocked to hear me say what she was insinuating.

"Well , I think you're supposed to go now." she mumbled, flushing a deep red.

I grinned at her and ran out of the room with Joe in tow.

I was going home!

Well, technically it was Joe's house, but it felt the same to me as my home was never really mine anyway.

Especially after my parents practically disowned me when I was five.

When they found out about my little 'secret'.

Next thing you know, I'm being shipped off to a special school for the next ten years of my life.

The thing is, I'm not normal , I can talk to plants and animals and I have control over the earth.

It is my duty to keep it that way and protect the Earth from harm.

Yeah, I know very hobbit-like, but that's why I'm here.

At least that's the idea that has been planted in my head since I was little.

It could only be the most reasonable explanation as to why I'm like this.

Joseph was the only one who ever understood me, well he should as he can talk to animals too, but his powers are not as strong as mine.

I spotted a forest surrounding the centre and ran into it.

The forest was alive with chatter. I kicked off my boots and sank my bare feet into the dark mud.

I felt every tree, every plant, every piece of life.

This is something I relished as I had not seen the outside in a very long time.
This was why I waited eleven years.
This was my reason to be free.

And now I am.

Ahh it was good to be back.

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