Chapter 7: Books of Boredom and Livid Lectures

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The first day of classes were torture.

In fact, toture didn't even begin to cover what triple Math and French was.

It was like watching a horror movie in your worst nightmare and then dying inside it.

Yeah, that bad.

I nearly died of boredom.

The only upside was that I had a date with Clarke after school. I was so excited! I just wish I had someone to share it with.... I really need to get some more friends. 

"Hey Zo-bow!" Chase called cheerily, running up to me after the bell for the end of the day rang.

"Hey Chasy!" I squealed, making myself sound like such a Chase.

"How was your day?"

"THE worst. I'm guessing yours wasn't that bad by the look on your face."

"ARE YOU KIDDING?! It was better than okay! I finally got Aria to notice me in chemistry!"

"Well good for you, Cassa Nova. Unlike you, some people have probably had the shittiest first day of school." I ranted.

"Geez.... What's put you in such a sour mood?"

"Triple math with Mr. Page and Triple french with Mrs. Pallarno. That's why I'm in a bad mood."

Chase looked at me sympathetically, "I feel your pain bro. I really do." He dramatically clutched his chest as he said so.

I playfully slapped his arm,"Shut up. Well, apart from your girl problem, what else did you do today?"

"Well, chemistry, uh... visual arts, music, AP English Literature, double bio and well, gym." He replied smugly.  

"Lucky! I-"

I was cut off by the PA system's signature tune, signalling that an announcement was to be made.

"Sorry for the interruption, but would Zolana Green please report to the office. That's Zolana Green reporting to the office please. Thank you. " The speaker cut off.

"Looks like you've gotta go...." Chase sang.

"Yes I do, see you later." I sang back, walking towards the office.


"Miss Green,  do come in and have a seat." The strange woman beckoned for me to step inside.

(Half an hour ago)

Mrs. Satner called me up to her office to 'talk'.

But really, I knew and hoped that it was about  why I had been requested to come to Marshall.

"Sit." The she-devil said, gesturing to a chair. Once I was seated, she started to stare. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.... And she's still staring at me.

"Yes... yes... I see the resemblance now..."she mumbled to herself.

Knowing what a crackpot she is, I sat there will a bored look, knowing it would piss her off. 

But today, she just gave me a weary look and said,"You must be wondering why I called you up here? "

"I was starting to."

"Well, Zolana you see, you were called here , not to the office but to  this school for a very special reason."

She paused to stare intensely at me.

"You are not like other students. You are gifted.  In a way you most might not know. Yet." She added.

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