The picture is of Zola in Green Mode. I drew it myself!
*****I met Chase for lunch in the lobby. I asked Echo if she wanted to come but she said she had some reading to do.
"Who the hell is Mrs. Satner?" I asked Chase, while munching on a tomato.
Chase snorted,"The head mistress. Only we never call her that, we either call her Mrs. Satner or Ms S."
"I bet you had hell to pay after our little run-in."
"Sure did, but that's the point. Mrs. Satner is called Mrs Satner for a reason you know. You see she's like Satan, the devil , evil one, whatever you wanna call her as long as it's not to her face. She can even block my mind signals! "He exclaimed.
"Wow that's pretty hardcore." I admitted.
"Sure is, but-" Chase stopped short when a kid about our age tapped him on the shoulder.
"Hey Blaze, my man!" Chase called, doing the weird guy-handshake thing with him.
Blaze gave me a curious look.
"Hi I'm Blaze. You're Zola aren't you?"
"Please don't tell me, another Ori or am I really that popular already?!"
"Nope sorry sweetie, I'm an Ori. You must be the gal who got yelled at by Satan on the first day." His tone was jovial and friendly.
"Uh huh."
Now that I looked closer at Blaze, the more he looked like Chase.
"Twins."explained Chase.
"Fraternal? "
They both nodded.
"Cool." They both gave me a smile.
"So how are you finding Marshall so far, Zola?"asked Blaze.
"Fine I guess. I least I got a nice roommate. "I said, thinking of Echo.
"Yeah... who wouldn't want Echo as their roommate?...." Blaze sighed dreamily.
I raised an eyebrow at Chase,who just laughed.
"Looks like somebody's got a crush on Echo McLauren!" I taunted him.
Chase made kissing noises and I laughed.
It's funny how the three of us got along so well even though we hadn't known each other very long.
Chase piped up,"He's had a crush on her since forever! And he still won't man up and ask her out!"
Blaze flushed a deep red.
"I mean he's never even met or talked to the girl, let alone ask her out!"
"I like to admire from a distance. " Blaze defended.
Chase and I just kept on laughing.
Suddenly, the cafeteria doors opened and a trio of long legged, lip glossed girls walked in.
Oh what's a high school without the Queen Bees?
They click clacked over to our table and flirted with Chase and didn't spare Blaze and I a glance.
I was sick of being ignored all the time, so I did something out of the ordinary.
I tipped my juice all over that shiny, glossy hair.
Shame, it was really shiny.
The ringleader turned around and screeched at me,"YOU! HOW DARE YOU, YOU LITTLE SCUMBAG OF DIRT! YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS! YOU LITTLE-"

Elementation: Earth and Trees (ON HIATUS)
Teen FictionZola Meredith Green is a teenager, with a troubled past and a few tricks up her sleeve.... When she was five years old, she realised that she was different. For her own "safety", she was put into a 'special' centre for people like her. When moving t...