Chapter 4

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The hot summer air made me feel like a steamed potato.

I kicked my feet around in the cool water.

Earlier, I had been trying to avoid Joe all day and now I was sitting at the lake, enjoying my last weekend of freedom.

This time next week, I would be setting up my new dorm at Marshalline.

I felt a person sit next to me.

Oh no it's Joe, coming to talk to me about last night.

He says nothing for a while and breaks the silence by saying, "Have you been avoiding me?"

I look at him to say no, but by the look on his face, I can tell that there's guilt written all over mine.

"Yes." I huffed.

"Why? Is it because of last night?"

Oh he knew me so well.

"No it's about that time when you stole all of my birthday cake candles."

"One. I never did that and two, don't lie to me again. "

"This isn't lying, it's called sarcasm. "

"Yeah, well this sarcasm thing has to stop."

"What are you? My mom?!"

"Maybe I should be, since you're still not responsible enough to control yourself. "

"What's that supposed to mean?! That it was my fault that my mom went MIA?!!"

"No! It's just that-"

"No, it was your brother who made me like this!!"

"That's not even re-"

"Save it. I thought you were my friend, my best friend. But obviously you're not."

I lowered my heated gaze down to the wooden floor.

Just when I thought he was going to storm off, Joe put his hand under my chin and raised it so I looked at him straight in the eye.

"I am your best friend, and I will always be there for you. Even if you don't want it."

With that he dropped my chin and got up silently and walked away.

I sat stunned.


The suitcase lid shut with a satisfying thunk. I dusted my hands off as if to say 'all done'.

Well, I thought, this is it. My chance to make my mark and not be judged of my past.

I felt an unknown force turn me around.

I came face to face with Joseph, his eyes searching mine for forgiveness, I leaped into his arms.

I felt him smile against my head. Joseph was one of the only people who cared about me and I was determined not to lose him too.

"You don't have to go you know." He mumbled into my hair.

"You want me to stay?" I asked, surprised.

"Well, of course I would, I didn't make that 'best friend' speech for nothing." He laughed.

"Oh Joe...."I sighed.

"Oh Zo...."he imitated me.

"Stop it! And I have to go, this is my only chance to make a fresh start. I'm sorry."

"Please Zola, that school is snobby and stuck-up which is nothing like you. So please stay, we need you to stay. Jake wants you to stay. I need you to stay." His eyes pleaded with mine, but I was firm in my decision.

"I'm sorry Joseph, I have to go." I pushed past him, and ran out of the house.

Tears rushed down my face.

I dropped onto a bench that I reached. Silent tears now trickled down my cheeks as I thought about what had happened.

"Are you okay?" A boy with gorgeous deep green eyes looked down at me.

I wiped away my tears hurriedly and nodded.

"Well, usually tears aren't a very good sign of being okay." He pointed out.

"I think I noticed that."

"Then you're not okay. "

"No kidding."

"But a pretty girl such as yourself shouldn't waste tears on a guy who doesn't even deserve her."

I looked up shocked.

"How did I know that?! Well, I'm an Ori, so it's on the list of things I can do aside read minds, see a person's life and just, know things."

"You're a what?!"

"Don't play innocent Zolana Meredith Erana Amaryllis Ketavia Green. You are the Earth Queen, Mother of the Earth, Ruler of Life. It is up to you to protect the planet and here you are moping around about some Evomni."


"Ugh your stupid so-called friend Joseph Roberto. He is your humble servant, as am I."

"How do you know all of this? I just got this crazy idea that I had to protect the Earth from all harm. But it's true?! I didn't even know I had four middle names, let alone ruling the Earth! "

"In time you will know, as will your sisters."

"My sisters?!" As far as I recalled, I was an only child.

"Yes, your paths will cross soon, and then you will know it all, Queen Zolana."

Then, he got up and whispered in my ear, "I'm glad to know you think my eyes are gorgeous. "

This time, I smiled for you don't meet a dreamy guy everyday, especially with magical powers.


So whaddya think?! Zola's a queen?!

Dreamy Guy is some weirdo with magic powers?!

Magical meanings:

Ori- The know it alls of each realm, they know everything, they're kinda like your own fantasy nerds.

Evomni- A speaker of the animals such as Joseph. They can talk to anything living.


Hope u enjoyed it!

I will try to update soon.


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