Chapter 5

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I clutched my suitcase handle tightly as I walked into the gates of the Marshalline Academy for the Specially Gifted.

I was nervous,  yet excited and scared at the prospect of a new start.

I buzzed the buzzer at the reception and voice came crackling through the speaker.

"Hi, how may I help you? "

"Um, hi uh I'm a new student and uh, I just arrived." I answered, unsure of what I should say.

"Oh, Zolana Green right?"

"Uh, yeah. That's me!" I added in a squeaky voice. That's the second time someone used my full name I didn't even know I had.

"Come on in then."

The gates swung open and I walked right in.

A friendly looking lady stood at the front desk.

"Hi Miss Green,  I'm Patricia and I'll be your guide today!"

Wow, she was a little too perky.

"Hi." I smiled politely.

"Well here's your schedule and I'll take your bags. I'll walk you up to the girl's dorms and then leave you to unpack. Your dorm mate will tell you everything else."she finished in a breath.

Well wasn't a lot of information to process at all.

"Okay. "

"Right then, let's get to it!"

She called for a maid to carry my bags on a believe it or not, a bellhopper!

I followed Patricia up the stairs into the main floor.

I gasped in awe at my surroundings,

Crystal chandeliers hung from the huge white ceiling.

Gold framed the doors and entrances.

Silver divans were scattered neatly around the lobby.

I was so dumbstruck by the place, I didn't even realise when I bumped into somebody with a hard 'thwack', shocking me back to reality.

I looked up into a pair of deep green eyes.


"You tell me kid who knows everything."

Damn, what's his-


"Uh, yeah." I said awkwardly shifting from one foot to another.

"My name's Chase. I'm glad you didn't ask my name that day, so I could see you suffer this awkward conversation. " Chase grinned at my expression.

"Well, now I know your name, can we restart this whole thing, without the mind reading?"

"Sure."replied Chase with a cheeky grin.

We took steps back and ran straight into eachother.

"Zola?" He said in a terrible British accent.

"Chase?" I replied with an equally bad one.

"Oh darling, fancy seeing you around here." He carried on, squealing.

"Well I couldn't possibly resist having a good cuppa with you, love." I answered in English slang.

"Well I-"

"If you're quite finished now, I would suggest that you both will come with me."said a stern voice.

We both looked down, shocked.

A woman an inch or two shorter than me, with peroxide white hair tightly twisted into a bun, was wearing a stern look.

Chase immediately dropped his playful expression.

Whoever this woman was, she must be tough because Chase looked like the type of guy who was never afraid of anything.

"Mrs. Satner, I am terribly sorry for this interruption, I can explain. " pleaded Chase.

"Oh, save it Master Levi, I want you in my office, now!"she added when Chase didn't move.

"See ya later Zola?"he asked,  offering me a smile.

"Sure." I returned a smile.

Then the she-devil turned on me to question me. She eyed me up and down.

"You must be Zolana Green."

I nodded hurriedly and replied, "Yes I am."

"Well then,  you should be heading to your room.
You've only been here for less than five minutes, and you're already messing around.
I will not have fools in MY school!"

I quickly rushed up the stairs only to have her yell,"Other way!"

I sigh, exasperated already.

I looked at the piece of paper in my hand.

"Room 309, Floor 7."

I reached my door to find it already open.

A girl with shoulder length red hair sat on a silken bed.

She had earphones in and was singing softly, while writing something in her notebook.

"Hi", I said gently,"I'm Zola and I think that I'm supposed to be your new roommate.

Or have I got the wrong room? " Please don't tell me I have the wrong room....

"No, you have the right room." She said quietly. "I'm Echo by the way." She added shyly.

"Well, Echo nice to meet you and you have a cool voice, your singing I mean. "

Echo blushed, her cheeks contrasting with her hair."Thanks."

I looked around the room, I threw my hands in the air, " Hey Echo, any chance you know where my luggage is?"

She pointed, "Behind you."

I spun around, only to trip on my huge suitcase.

I faceplanted the wooden floor , causing Echo to snort with laughter,  sounding like a crazy pig.

Then, I stood up and whacked my head on the ceiling.

Wow, I was really having a stupid day today.

Heyyyy!  This chappie took forever to write,  with my friend, @BookLoveKate21 forever pestering me to update. Zola's stupid day was my day today. I couldn't function. 
Anyway ,what do you think about Echo?
What about Chase?
What about Mrs. Satner aka the she-devil?
Comment, vote or just read for your enjoyment!
Updating soon,
Ps, just don't ask why I put Maps up there,  I'm obsessed with the song right now. ;D

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