Game night

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( Bruce dials the Avengers hotspot so he can contact the Avengers)

( Pietro and Wanda log on, Peter P logs on, Hope and Scott log on, Bucky and Sam log on)

Bucky: Who's dead now? ( sighs)

Peter P: ( hair all sweaty and eyes all red) Oh Don't tell me Mr Stark is dead! Please, please please.

Bruce: No one is dead.

Wanda: So what's happened?

Pietro: Is Labara there?

Bruce: No not at the moment. Look, you know how I told you guys Thor used the gauntlet to try and bring Cali back?

Hope: Yeah?

Bruce: It worked.

Avengers: What!

Sam: You better not be messing with us, Bruce.

Bruce: Why would I lie about something like that?

Scott: I'm coming over right now! ( logs off)

Hope: and me! ( logs off)

Wanda: I'll probably be there in 10 seconds ( Logs off)

Peter P: Ooooo I'll have to look my best, be over soon! ( Logs off)

Bucky: Yeah , we're coming too. ( logs off)

Sam: See you soon.

( Bruce walks back to the other avengers)

Bruce: Well, I've told them and they're all coming over.

Steve: That's convenient...

Natasha: and when you say 'they'?

Bruce: Peter, Wanda, Pietro, Scott, Hope, Sam and Bucky.

Tony: ( still hugging Cali) Bucky! Uggggghhhhh!!!! ( pounds table)

Cali: Please...don't bang the table.

Tony: Sorry.

Clint: I'm so happy you're alive , Cali.

Thor: Yes it was quite miserable around here. ( picks her up and swings her around)

( Cali laughs but she asks to be put down fairly quickly and goes to get a drink)

Natasha: Is Cali ok?

Tony: Bruce can you run a medical check on her at some point? Please?

Steve: why?

Tony: She told me that when she woke up from her 'death' there was this weird mist thing and it supposedly made her stronger, physically and mentally.

Carol: That explains the extra fire show.

( Labara bounces in)

Labara: Oh my god, Caliiiii! ( runs and hugs her) That entrance you made was amazing!

Cali: Thanks? Just saving the people I love the most.

Labara: I got it on film! ( shows Cali)

( Cali smiles at first, but something changes. Cali begins to feel overwhelmed and has a mad heat rush)

Cali:( in a hissy tone) So... you were filming this? Instead of helping out?

Labara: Well..Yeah?

Cali: You're supposed to be a high level SHIELD agent and yet you were gonna let the people I loved be killed instead of helping them!

Labara: ( sees Cali's anger) I'm sorry!

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