Chapter 1: Lonely and Broken

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********* This is my first fan fiction/story/book EVER, so please be gentle with comments.*********

~~~~~This takes place after Tartarus and adds elements of the new season so be warned. I haven't watched it all, but I have watched a good bit.

Also, There may be strong language and sexual scenes in the story in general. . . . I haven't decided when and how bad yet. I have an outline of what I want and am typing the story as I go. Also, The major battles wont be in specific detail because I want the focus to be on Lucy gaining/with her new abilities, and also GraLu.

Hope you like it! Enjoy!~~~~~


Sitting on her bed, with her knees tucked up to her chest, Lucy wipes tears from her eyes. Staring at the letter that was left on her table 3 months ago for the thousandth time.

Me and Happy are going on a journey to train. I'll be back in a year, so give everyone my regards.

Later Lucy!

Thoughts run through her head on repeat constantly, leaving her feeling lonely and broken. About how she lost her mother's gift/ second mother Aquarius, the guild disbanded, Natsu and everyone else left, everyone assumed her and Natsu would be a romantic thing, how that was their reason for leaving her without remorse, how they didn't stop to think that they were putting that much trust/responsibility into the flame-brain, . . . . and . . . . . and . . . . and lastly, no one took the time for her. To see how in Hades blue hair had she summoned the Celestial King, or if she was even doing alright. Not a single letter in 3 whole months. This is the loneliest she has been in a very long long time. She forgot how much this hurt her and how isolating it can feel like.

She looked around her tidy but empty room. Boxes were lined against the walls, countertops, and tables. She had one suitcase she was dragging along with her cosmetics, clothes, toiletries, and her writing stuff. She didn't pack much in clothe because Virgo could always grab her some from the celestial world. She worked tirelessly the last 2 and a half months doing any job should could to save up money. She used the money to pay for 1 year of rent at her current place, a year of rent ahead of time for a new apartment in Crocus, and to have some spending money along the way. She was leaving behind her letters to her mom, pictures and mementos of her friends, stories she started based off her guildmates and their adventures, and . . . for now . . . her Fairy Tail mark. When she was back in this place she called home for many years, she hoped she would get her mark back. For now though, her hand stayed bare and felt naked without the mark on it.

Closing the door behind her she made her way down the steps and out the door, giving the landlady a wave and hug farewell for now. The sun was setting as she made her way to the train station to board the next train to Crocus. She got a job working with Jason on The Sorcerer Magazine. She would be doing a little writing and a little modeling for them. She lets her mind wander once on the train about all the things to look forward to instead of dwelling on the past. It hurt too much to think about her guildmates had abandoned her. How she was alone, yet again.

Lucy is startled awake at the sound of the train whistle that was alerting it's passengers that it was at its destination. She slowly gathered her suitcase, walked off the train and made her way to the build that would house where she would be for . . . . who knows how long. She stopped to get some necessities, like dishes, food, bedding, laundry detergent, etc. Finally making it to the tall building that contained her apartment, she dragged her feet to the front desk to get her key. She arrived at a new home for the next. . . chunk of time she didn't know yet. Staring at the brownish-grey door she finally unlocked the door and peered inside. Turning the lights on she surveyed her new place and places her bags on the floor. She rented a place that was already furnished so she didn't have to transport everything. She had her kitchen to her left with a small countertop and barstool. The space was too small to have an actual table so she guessed that is where she would be eating. To the right, there was the living room with a cozy-looking couch that looked to have a plain black cover on it. There was a small black coffee table and across from that (by the front door) was a TV hanging up on the wall. Directly across from her she saw 2 doors. Remembering the floor plans that she saw when she booked the room to rent, the left door was too a small bathroom and the right to a small bedroom.

She closed the door behind her and locked it. Walking over to the couch to inspect it, she was surprised to see there was also a waterproof cover under the black cover. Looking into the bathroom it was your basic run of the mill bathroom, except for also housing her washer and dryer. She was happy there wasn't a community one she had to share. Finally, she made her way to the bedroom, pulling the door open with a slight bit of excitement. On the left was a shallow but sizeable closet, the mirror being on the door itself. In the center was a nice queen-sized bed with a nightstand on both sides. One night stand had an alarm clock and little reading light on it. To the far right of the room, under a window, was a nice writing desk and chair. The writing desk also had a little light on it and drawers underneath down one side.

Sighing with a slight smile at her new home and a new start, she went back out to grab her things. She put away the food but left the bags with dishes and such on the countertop to take care of tomorrow after work. She grabbed the bag with the new bedding and pillows and changed out the bed so she could sleep soon. She laid her suitcase on the writing desk, for now, grabbed some P.J.s and toiletries, then got ready for bed. The clock on her table read 1:00 a.m., signaling a tiring day ahead of her. After setting an alarm she drifted off to sleep quickly, exhausted from the events and traveling from today.

The next few months she had gotten her apartment to her liking, did a bunch of modeling and writing jobs, and also keeping track of her friends. No, . . . . her family. She was still hurt and upset about everything, but she missed them still and wondered how they were doing. She set up an elaborate board with magazine and newspaper clippings, strings going across the board and notes everywhere. She only kept up with that for about 3 months then slowly focused more on her own life, leaving the board forgotten. Two thoughts kept creeping up into her head. One being that she only thought of Natsu as a friend, or maybe a little brother. She thought maybe there was something she didn't notice that the guild did, but no matter how she saw it, her view never changed.

The second thing that kept creeping up was how she wondered what Gray was doing and did he ever feel the way she did. Ever since she walked through those guild hall doors, and saw him in all his shirtless wonder, she had been attracted to him. At first, it was just his physical appearance, then she got to know him as a person and that made her like him. Finally, every time he went out of the way to protect her heart always fluttered slightly. She had kept these feelings bottled up inside. She didn't even tell Levy, her best friend. Mainly that was because when she had decided to tell her Juvia had joined the guild. She could never get alone time with Gray to confess. Then, she noticed he never put effort into shooing Juvia away, so she assumed he was into her. Thinking of the fact that they went off to train together now, when she needed him there, hurt so bad.

After 6 months of here keeping to a monotonous schedule, she decided to go train with her spirits. She informed Jason she was going on a hiatus and being that he respected her professionally (and they became close friends) he understood. He had known of her since she was young, being that her dad was well known and rich. He had watched her grow up and has seen all the hardships she endured for a good portion of her life. She stopped by a store to pick up a hiking bag, hiking shoes, clothes suited for outdoors more, a small survival kit (for cooking, cleaning, and medical supplies), and a sleeping bag. Once she was home packed her new hiking bag with all the necessities she had just bought and some rations, then did the dishes and took out the trash. Next, she cleaned the place and packed everything up, so she wouldn't have to tomorrow.

The morning came and Lucy got up ready for the new adventure. She made her bed and then took one last look at her newer home. She was sad to leave yet another place she had temporarily called home, but she was excited for the training to come. With the rent paid ahead of time and the apartment is taken care of, she picked a random direction to head out and began her journey.


********* This started getting longer than I expected. I hope you enjoyed it and are excited for more. Hopefully I will have the next chapter up tomorrow. It will go over what some of the others have been up to. Like I said in the blurp, I am focusing on Lucy's abilities, Lucy herself and the GraLu side of the stories. This means the sections with the other characters or battles may be shorter and more brief than the ones stated above. Please leave a comment and let me know what you think!!!! *********

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