Chapter 6: New Found Abilities (Part 2)

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********* Thank you all for reading this and enjoying it. I am trying my best to not rush through Lucy's OP moments. But just like battle scenes, these scenes and ideas are a challenge for me.  *********

~~~~~~~~ I have an idea of where this is going. I hope I do this part justice. Enjoy! Also, pardon any spelling or grammatical errors. I am bad at proof reading as I have said and I am also still sick (which I am sure your tired of hearing about by now lol). I hope these are still enjoyable for you though!" ~~~~~~~~



Sweat dripping off every pore on her body, she focuses again on training her new abilities. It has been about the equivalent of 5 years in this dimension and no time in her homeworld. Ahi had given her the ability to be a Celestial God Dragon Slayer. Some things, like Dragon Roar, were automatically learned just from becoming a dragon slayer. Other abilities she was working on to make strong and easier to use. Her master also helped her master her healing, time, and dimensional creating spells a little better as well. The pair had become very close friends and the celestial creature was enjoying the company. It had been a while since a mage from Earthland had spoken to him. Earthland was the first planet in this Space realm to get magic before just a few other planets (which are in faraway galaxies, so they will not be meeting.) There are other parallel dimensions that he exists in simultaneously, and in those realms, it varies how much contact he has with the different creations.

Lucy had ranked her powers as levels. The first level is Level 1, which consisted of her base skills; combat skills and summoning spirits (which she could now summon as many as needed at once). She decided that she would try to defeat as much evil as possible in this form before resorting to the next 2 levels. She wanted to keep her fights fair and give people a chance to see their wrongdoings. A very helpful spell was taught to her by Ahi to help at this level. The spell allowed her to absorb her keys into her arm leaving behind little tattoos to mark which keys she had. The Zodiacs were gold and her other spirits silver. Now she was not going to chance losing them ever again. Level 2 in her skill arsenal was her dress forms. She had a different outfit for each Zodiac spirit and with that also harnessed their ability. It would only be as strong as the Spirits themselves. Which is why she also had been training her spirits too to get them stronger. Happily, though, they are on a little vacation. She also was given Aquarius's abilities so she could also use her friend's celestial dress as well, even though she doesn't possess the key. Also, part of this level is her dragon slayer magic. Spells like dragon roar and using wing gusts sending a mix of harmful galactic mist and purple fire. This also gave her the ability to defy gravity and control it at her will. Like other dragon slayers, she could eat something that dealt with her ability to gain more power. In her case, she just had to look at the sky and take in any unused stellar matter and energy, at any time of day. Level 3 is her B.A.M.F. level. It can destroy universes, which is why she doesn't want to get to that level if she doesn't have too. There are 2 sides to this ability. It stems from the Dragon Slayer magic she got because it also comes with some god-like powers. This level can be accessed at will, the danger is she could either be stuck in this state (which for one part isn't so bad, but the other part is not. More explanations later.), or she could seriously destroy something.

Level 3 is a tricky level of power. It has a good and "evil" side. She can use any spell from either, BUT if she channels one side or the other, it gives certain powers more intensity. Channel the good inside her power makes spells like her healing and time spells more effective and easier. Spells that are strong but not super lethal can be strong here. She has the capability to use her Urano Metria alone now, but with much more ease and without having to chant the spell. She doesn't have to vocalize any of her spells now. Which gives her an upper hand in a fight; no one will know what is coming. This form allows her to summon strong and indestructible barriers as well. Lastly, when in this form, she can easily summon the more benevolent gods (Aeolus, Apollo, Aphrodite, Crios, etc) and command them, to an extent. More like ask for assistance so they don't blow the world up. These can be any of the gods, from any religion. **Authors note: I am mainly familiar with Greek and Roman so those are the ones I will reference**

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