Chapter 4: Gather The Troop

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********* I'm hoping to be able to wrap up the group gathering in this chapter, so we can move back on to Lucy. I also lost a little motivation because of being sick, so sorry if this took a minute to come out. But I don't want to rush the story. *********

~~~~~~~~ I have an outline of the story but I am probably going to change it up a bit as I go along. So, I am winging what happens still. I am enjoying this tough and thank you all for the support!

Thank you to  Citrus for all the critiques and support along the way." ~~~~~~~~



Elfman, Mira, Lisanna, and Happy are grabbing at Natsu, trying to pull him out of the stadium after he scared the literal shit of people at the Grand Magic Games. Just moments ago he came crashing in challenging people, shooting flames everywhere, and well . . . . . . . being Natsu. Now, they were trying to get him out of the stadium, while he is flailing and challenging random people that run by him.

Suddenly, Natsu stops and calms down, then faces down the street. They see him close his eyes and breath in. When he lets out his breath a small poof of smoke follows and his eyes shoot open. Focused. Without the other's getting a chance to ask him what was wrong he went bolting down the street. Stunned slightly, then snapping out of it, the group chases after him.

Not even 5 minutes later Natsu is standing in front of a tall building with a bunch of windows and mini balconies. The balconies are only big enough for a few potted plants and other decorations. The group is about to reach him when Natsu suddenly scales the building and enters in one of the windows a few stories up. The group, like civilized people, make it to the room via the stairs.

Inside they see a light layer of dust in a neatly packed up apartment. The group was confused at first as to why Natsu was here. He went over to a box and pulled out Lucy's signature white and blue shirt. Their faces lit up for a second before looking sad. The dust in the apartment and the packed stuff means Lucy had left awhile ago, and she wasn't going to be back soon.

"Her scent is faint, so she hasn't been here in a while." Natsu's expression was filled with sadness and worry. He lifts the magazine and realized Lucy had started working with Jason. Immediately wanting to know where she was he headed to the window. Looking back at the group before Happy flew him away he said. "She finally was able to work at that magazine she has been wanting to work at for years. Jason was the guy she was friends with so I am going to head there to see if he knows where she went."

The group watched Natsu and Happy fly out the window. "I hope Lucy is okay. Not just for her sake, but Natsu seems worried." Lisanna chimed up. Mira noticed something big in the other room through a crack in the door. She walked into Lucy's old room to see a giant corkboard. There were pictures of everyone, notes, red string crisscrossing across pictures and held in with little pins.

"Guys, you should see this" Mira whispered a little loud.

"What is it, sis....." Elfman was left speechless as he came into the room with Lisanna behind him. The group stared at the effort Lucy had gone through to keep track of everyone. Finally, Elfman spoke again. "She seems like she was lonely if she was going through these lengths to keep track of people. It makes me feel bad for the poor girl. After everything, she has been through a lot in her life. Wait, if Lucy isn't with Natsu like we thought she would be, that means we left her behind then....... That is not Manly at all."

"Lucy...." Mira started looked down, tearing up and feeling guilty for not checking in with her golden-haired friend. She doesn't deserve to be called a friend at this point. She looked at the board again through tear-filled eyes and noticed something. "Guys, the last note here is dated a few months back. Looks like after a while she just gave up. Like she didn't have the heart to search anymore. I feel so guilty."

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