Chapter 14: First 100 Year Mission

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Smiling at herself she looked down at the key in her hand. She had gone on 2 SS Class missions and one 10 Year mission with her team, in the past 3 weeks. Now that Lucy was stronger she helped end the missions quicker than they usually did. No one was complaining because they had made REALLY good money completing these missions. That was what she was most happy about. If they hadn't gone on those missions, she wouldn't be in this office, having just signed the document to her new home. Key in her hand and tears in her eyes, she hugged the little old man that sold her his home. Memories of how lucky she had been to meet him that day.

A while back Lucy had become friends with an elderly couple after a mission she had done for them. They had a nice little house tucked along the coast overlooking the ocean. It wasn't far from the guild but was also hidden enough to be private. Most people didn't even know that the path was there. Which was how she liked it. Sadly, the wife had passed away and the old man was alone. He was struggling keeping up with the house and decided he was going to move into a nursing home. First, he wanted to sell the house and it's land to someone who would appreciate it and needed it. Truthfully, he had Lucy in mind the entire time. One day recently, when she walked up to the decently sized Storybook styled house she saw the man on the front porch. He was in a rocking chair, just admiring the nature that sang around him. She greeted him and brought him some food she had made. She always took care of him now, making sure he had company. They talked about her new missions, her love, and she mentioned she finally was ready for a house. He had told about moving and such, and that he wanted to sell the house to her.

After much friendly banter, they had closed the deal on 25,000,000J (about $250, 000.00). Behind the house was a cliff that was fenced off, and had a gate that led down to a private beach. There were 20 acres of land in total, also including a bit of dense woods, a tiny field in the middle of the dense woods filled with flowers, a stream running into the ocean, and a small tucked away waterfall. It was heaven on earth to her. The next day the old man met her at the real estate office, with 4 suitcases of all the things he wanted to take with him. The rest of the items in the house she didn't want him left for her. This included a plethora of books, which made the bookworm happy.

After signing the documents so the home was now in Lucy's name, she escorted the man to the nursing home. Helping him with his bags and making sure he had no trouble getting in. She helped him settle into his room before saying good-bye. She knew she would be visiting this man as much as possible. Now, full of excitement and energy she went to her apartment. It was a small apartment, so it didn't take longer than a few hours for her and Virgo to pack everything up. While Virgo kindly took the boxes of her things over (it was easier because she could just poof them over), Lucy skipped over to her boyfriend's apartment.

Knock! Knock!

Rustling was heard from within, along with an "I'm coming." A few seconds later the door opened to reveal the love of her life. " Hey, beautiful!' He had managed to say before Lucy wrapped her arms around his neck and planted a big wet one on his lips. He giggled and wiped his mouth and she pulled away. "Someone is a little TOO excited. Hehe."

"Well, I have some amazing news! I BOUGHT A HOUSE!" practically yelling, Gray covered her mouth quickly and dragged her inside. Realizing it was kinda late and she might have been a tad loud, her cheeks shone a rose hue. "Sorry! I forgot how late it was."

"It's alright, You were just excited. So, tell me about this house." Gray was saying as he made his way to grab her some water. It looked like she was slightly panting, assuming she had bolted over here to tell him, her throat was probably dry.

"Better yet, how about I show you? I did say I wanted you to move in with me, so tomorrow we can get you all packed up. We also have to take care of the rest of the year's rent for our apartments, after that, I can have Virgo move your stuff over while we hoof it. I got such a good deal on it too. I will explain it all tomorrow." She took a break to sip the water he brought her. They were both on the couch looking at each other. "Tonight though, since I am SO excited I figured you could help me burn a little energy off and I could just stay the night." She sat the drink on the coffee table and slowly crawled over to him on the couch.

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