Chapter 16: Investigation

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A morning sunbeam woke up the different team members, gently waking them. It was a welcoming feeling to the mages, knowing that the day was going to be a long one. After they all got ready for the day, they met downstairs in the restaurant. They had an easy conversation, not wanting to get into the tough stuff just yet.

"Lucy, how have you enjoyed your room that you have here?" Erza asked, genuinely wanting to know the difference from there 2 single bedrooms.

"It is AMAZING and has the most breathtaking view. The only thing I don't like is the fact that you can see into the bathroom. The toilet is in its own room, but everything else is just behind a pane of glass. It feels so exposing." Lucy chuckled.

"Sounds sexy to me," Laxus started wiggling his eyebrows at Gray. Making the ice mage blush intensely.

"Oh shush Laxus. Mind your own business." The smirk on Gray's face giving away to the lightning wielding friend that the couple already took advantage of the room.

" I think now that we are done eating let's talk business. So, as far as info from the townspeople, we can conclude the same things. Crazy weather that can destroy things. Nothing new as far information. The one thing I think we all noticed, was that the storm comes in from the direction of the small island. I think we should make our way over there. I did see as I walked around that there were past lightning strikes in various backyards and along the street. They looked pretty deadly. It is because of this that I think we should stick together so if the weather goes crazy, Laxus here can help divert the lightning. What do you guys think?" Erza's jaw was on the floor at how insanely amazing Lucy has come along. She gave information and a plan of action as well, and maybe even better than Erza does herself.

"I like that idea as well. I also noticed the lightning strikes and am glad you asked me to come along. Those were some deadly ones."

"I will try to supply little bits of ice to everyone so we can keep our temperatures down. It is hot out and if we have to jump in a fight already dealing with heat exhaustion then that would be "no beuno"." Gray said making little ice cubes for fun in his drink.

"I agree. Heat exhaustion is no joke and not something that can be easily healed with magic. You just need to bring your body temperature down so healing magic doesn't do much. It is more for injuries and such. So, the more you can do to stay safe it helps me."

"Happy, look, that guys hat is funny!" Everyone rolls their eyes at the lack of attention Natsu is paying to everyone.

"Ugh, anyways, we need to secure a boat. I will ask the front desk if there is a boat rental place nearby." Erza had said, already standing and then made her way to the front desk.

"Oh, I almost forgot. We also can use my secret place on the small island if need be to stay the night. So, that is another reason to stay close." Lucy was already back in thought.

"Oh, so you said you might have an idea of what's going on?" Gray inquired.

"Oh yeah, I think it's a mix of 3 things. Two that are similar and one related. Instead of focusing on JUST Enca itself, I broadened my research. I looked for any type of magic, magical tool, OR magical creature that can control water and weather. Some things did come up, but I ruled them out because they are things that wouldn't be as strong or last as long." Erza had been listening as she walked back tot eh table with the boat information. "So, I think that what is making the weather and water change are spirits called Suiko. As adults, they are strong with whatever element that controls, but they have a lot of restraint and are less aggressive. However, a younger spirit, say the equivalent of a toddler, is still REALLY powerful. Worse yet, they do not know how to restrain their powers in the slightest. Their parent has to help them with that, and they do that by absorbing their kid's power. So, they can't do damage to Mother Earthland. So, in conclusion, I think we are dealing with a Spirit that controls wind and a spirit that controls water. A deadly combination as you can see around this island."

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