Chapter 12: Valentine's Day

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**** Long  chapter ahead with plenty of Lemon. Adult content, you have been warned lol. ****

~~~~~~~~ Be Prepared . . . . A LOT of 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋 🍋🍋🍋ahead at the end.~~~~~~~~


It was the night before Valentine's day, and Levy was over Lucy's house. They got in one more practice before the big day. The guild was having a party early in the day. Mira had lined one wall with little pink or red mailboxes for people to drop notes in them. Lucy didn't want anyone to feel left out, so she came up with an idea and convinced Levy to do it with her. They were making cards for every single person in the guild. They were all a family and deserved love, even if it was not from a significant other. Lucy got Wendy, Erza and Mira little bracelets as well. They were also her best friends. Mira and Erza older than her, so they were busy a lot with other things, but they were the first females she bonded within the guild, before Levy. Wendy was like a little sister to her that she held dear into her heart. Erza's gift had a silver heart with a mini sword in the middle, that had a tiny little red gem on the handle. Mira's gift was silver also, with a heart outline, filled with pink and red hearts inside it. finally, Wendy's gift was silver and had a solid silver heart hanging from it, inside the heart having a heart cut out and a light blue gem in dangling in the middle. She also got Levy a small surprise. She would give it to her tomorrow when they got ready. Gajeel and Gray were going to meet the girls at the guild tomorrow, at the girl's request. This was so they could tease the two poor souls they called their boyfriend. They knew their outfits were hella sexy, so the boys would struggle at having to behave when seeing them since the rest of the guild would be there. It was deliciously evil and the girls loved it.


D-day... I mean, V-day had finally come. Levy slept over because she was going to come back anyway, to get ready with Lucy. Lucy made them breakfast, then packed up all the valentines and gifts into a cute bag to take to the guild. She had her gift for Levy in her hand and approached her blue-haired friend, who spun around after packing her valentines.

"I got you a little something to Levy. You are one of my best friends ever and mean the world to me. You, Mira, Erza and Wendy are like sisters I never had. I love you, Levy!" Lucy was sniffing back tears at remembering how important this family was to her. Levy's eyes teared up as well and she took the gift. It was a long slender box with a cute little blue bow on it. When she opened it there was a fancy silver and white gold pen that had her name inscribed on it. Along with the pen was a matching metal bookmark that had a blue gem dangling from the end.

"Thank you!" Levy barely breathed out. She was in shock. Snapping out of it she ran and dove into Lucy's for a hug. "I love it! It's perfect. Love you, Lucy!"

Levy turned around and handed Lucy a small box as well. It was a little bigger than a ring box, and a little heavier. It was black with a smaller yellow ribbon wrapped around it. Lucy opened the box and her jaw dropped. Levy had a custom wax stamp made for her dearest friend. It had a black handle and silver base. On the bottom of the base was the Heartfilia crest, Levy had copied it down when she last visited the mansion with Lucy. She had been waiting all this time for the perfect idea to come to her, so she could use it as a gift for Lucy. There were silver, black, and blue wax sticks for her to use on the back of her letters. It was now Lucy's turn to be speechless. Tears escaped her eyes and she lunged for her friend, hugging her this time. "It is amazing. Words can't describe what this means to me. Thank you!"

After the girls were done with the gift exchange they cleaned up the mess in Lucy's place, then they decided to get ready. It was approaching one now, so they slipped into the dressed they had bought a few weeks ago. Lucy did a cat eye with red lips and her hair down and wavy again. She could tell Gray liked when she wore it last time. Levy had her hair curled and pinned to one side. Lucy helped her with her make-up, giving her a smoky eye with some soft pink lips. Lucy had a small black clutch with money, mints, lipstick (to re-apply), and her keys (house and spirit keys). Levy had a small silver clutch with the same items minus the Spirit keys. With one more look over at how hot they looked, grabbing their bags with the valentines in them, they left Lucy's place. Butterflies in their stomach at what was coming later on and form all the whistles and stares at how hot they looked at. The street was filled with couples doing things special on that day. Anyone could agree though, they looked the hottest out of everyone out on the street that day. The boys were going to struggle SO HARD, the girls talked about it as they approached the guild.

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