Chapter 8: Blooming Love

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********* WARNING: Some potty mouthing ahead. Expect more adult language and sexual content coming in the near future (and possible more often, though I am trying to still gage how far I want to go with that stuff. Comment down below to let me know how far do you want me to take the sexy stuff, please?*********

~~~~~ I'd say next chapters are going to be more GraLu stuff!! Wooo sexy times ahead!! ~~~~~


Gray leaned slowly into Lucy's face and watched as she first stared in shock. It quickly faded and she was beginning to close her eyes. She had a light blush on her cheeks and he could smell her strawberry shampoo as he got closer. Their breath was combating between them and hearts beating faster.


Lucy snapped out of it and stepped around Gray to crack the door open. Gray stepped back so someone would see him there. He didn't know why, but he felt he should. Lucy had the door cracked and was peering out to a pink-haired man. " Hey, Natsu! What are you doing here, it's so late?"

"I just wanted to make sure you made it home alright. I am heading back to mine now, Lushee!" Natsu said with a big grin. Gray knew that Natsu knew he was there. He probably smelt him on his way up to the door. "SO, Gray is there with you!?" Natsu gave a questioning look, peering into a dark house. What were they doing?

Gray stepped out from behind Lucy, Shit!, "Hey bro! Just got in the house. I walked her home." The ice mage fidgeted a bit and had redness on his cheeks.

"Yea, we just walked in. I haven't even had a moment to turn the lights on. Do, you want to come in?" Lucy managed to get out nicely, hoping the dragon slayer would decline.

Natsu could tell he interrupted something between the 2 mages, so he decided to give them space. "Nah, it's okay Luce. Gray got you home safe, so I can sleep well knowing my best friend is safe. Sleep well you 2." The last part Natsu said as he began to walk away smirking. The comment sent more blushing across the 2 mages face. For once you did something right, Flame Brain. Gray smirked.

Lucy closed the front door and locked it, then turned to Gray, blushing. She said the first thing that came to mind, so things wouldn't be awkward. "It's late, so, you can sleep on the couch if you want." The Stellar mage said not looking at Gray as she headed to get dressed in her room for bed. She came back out with a spare pillow and blanket. "Well, goodnight I guess."

They both stared awkwardly at each other for a few minutes, feeling the tension of wanting to continue, but also being shy. "Y-y-y-yeah. Sleep sound nice."Lucy just nodded, stepped backwards towards her room with an awkward wave, then disappeared behind the door. Sighing and lowering himself to the couch, Gray got himself situated for bed. When his eyes had just gotten closed so he could sleep, he felt a presence over him. A soft wave of hair fluttered around his face and he felt a gentle kiss on his forehead, then he heard quick footsteps run to the bedroom. He fell asleep the happiest he has been in a while.


Morning sunshine peeked its way into Lucy's room. Stretching she slowly opens her eyes. Looking around she smiled, it was nice being back home. Then, she remembered last night and who was in her living room on the couch. She blushed and giggled to herself remembering she snuck a kiss onto his cool forehead. She grabbed a change of clothes, then slowly peered through the crack in the door. The ice mage was peacefully asleep on the couch, so she made her way to the bathroom. She showered, brushed her teeth, changed into her outfit and tied her hair into her high ponytail. She wore black skinny jeans, with small rips across the thighs. Next, she had on a baggy light blue sweater that came to past her bum. She tucked the front half into her jeans. Lightly she sprayed her new favorite scent (cucumber melon) into the air, then stepped into it.

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