Chapter 9: So Close, Yet So Far

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(Just A Little🍋🍋🍋)

Rowdy sounds could still be heard in the Inn, as the morning came. A handsome Ice Mage was awake and staring down at his new beautiful girlfriend. She had cuddled up to him during the night. Her head and hand on his chest and a leg tucked over one of his legs. He could stay in this moment forever. It was short-lived when a loud commotion from above them rang through the room, stirring the sleeping woman awake. Blinking up at him through sleepy eyes, she laid one hand on his cheek and slid it behind his head. Pulling him forward she leaned up and gave him a gentle kiss. "Morning, my boyfriend!" She giggled before stretching into a yawn.

"Morning my girlfriend." Blushing he stared into her eyes. "You look beautiful today."

"What? *giggle* I haven't even gotten out of bed yet." Lucy laughed, shoving his face to the side as she rolled over the other side of the bed.

"I guess you are just that talented then." He smirked, watching her hips sway in those black booty shorts. Not even trying to hide his morning wood this morning. She had rubbed up against him so much during the night, he didn't care if anyone saw. He was just going to shower and take care of it, so they can focus on the tasks today.

Waiting for his turn for the shower, he got the pleasure of seeing Lucy in a towel mindlessly thinking about something. Not aware she was being watched intensely. Feeling eyes on her finally, she glanced over to see a very hungry looking Gray, and it wasn't for food. His partner in crime made that obvious in his tight briefs. Redness ran across her face and she looked away. "You should jump in the shower so we can start getting ready." She stammered a bit.

Feeling a bit naughty, Gray moved by her to get into the shower, making sure a certain little devil bumped into her. She gulped loud and looked shocked. Not meeting his gaze she went towards the bed and poofed. In less than a second, she was back with a dry ponytail, white ripped jeans, Black baggy sweater with a deep v at the neck and black boots on. Gray slid into the shower to get cleaned up and to take care of the monster stuck in his underwear.


Finally ready, the pair went out around the village. They stopped at a cute small diner for some breakfast and to get a game plan. They didn't want to split up, to be safe. So, they decided to each take one side of the street and the other across, so that they can have an eye on each other at all times. Only stopping once for lunch, to call the guild to inform them what was going on, and to ask for them to send the guards, then went back to get more info until the day turned into the evening. They stopped one last time to grab some dinner at a cute little restaurant, that served a variety of stuff that they both liked to eat. They chatted and laughed on their way back tot eh room. When they got back they decided to call Gramps to update him on what the villagers had said the dark guild had been doing to the town.

Lucy called Virgo to help her find outfits for tonight. The stellar maiden came back with black dress pants, a dark blue (not quite navy) button-up, socks and shoes for Gray. Then she handed Lucy a long red dress with a huge slit down the side. Next, she handed her some pantyhose, black stilettos, a simple silver necklace with a single teardrop diamond on it and a sheer black shawl to wrap around her arms.

"Gray you get changed first and head out there so we don't look suspicious, then I will come out once I am changed," Lucy mentioned seriously, staying focus on what she was going to sing. Gray leaned in and gave her a soft kiss, letting her know he understood. He got changed quickly and headed out of the room towards the massive din coming from the bar area. He sat in the back corner of the bar and gave a slight nod to the owner.

Lucy slipped on her sexy dress, noticing it was strapless and had a heart-shaped neckline. Deciding to not overdo it, she called cancer to come and give her hair a soft sexy wave. For makeup, she did a simple cat eye and red lips. Using her magic powers, she hid her guild mark that was visible on her chest. No one at the guild had seen her likes this, so she was nervous to have Gray see her dressed oozing with this much sex appeal.

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