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hii. i would like to apologise in advance for how cringy this book actually is — from the beginning, right to the very end.🗿


>───── ⋆✰⋆ ─────<

Layla's POV

"Don't forget to pack a bunch of swimsuits as well." My best friend Camila pointed out, wiggling her eyebrows.

We were currently on Skype and I had put my laptop in such a position that she's able to see me while I pack.

Being from New York and living there my entire life, when she invited me for the summer to visit her in her home in England, I obviously couldn't say no to that - firstly because it's England and who wouldn't wanna go there and secondly, I hadn't seen her since she moved about 3 years ago.

"Uh, I don't think I'll be needing any swimsuits Mila." I made a face. "Water and I just don't mix, you know that."

"Are you still stuck on that one time you almost drowned in a three feet deep pool when we were 9?" She asked, rolling her eyes.

"Excuse me but that was a very tough time for me." I glared at the screen before resuming with my packing.

"That was literally 10 years ago. Get over it. That water hardly even went past your ankles." She pointed out.

"Yeah, whatever." I scoffed. "I'm gonna go take a shower and get ready, I'll text you when I get to the airport." I said and she nodded before we said our goodbyes.

She was most probably gonna be asleep by then with the different timezones, since they were like 5 hours behind.

I jumped into the shower, making sure not to stay in there too long since I couldn't afford to miss my flight. Maybe half an hour or 45 minutes later, I got out and went to get dressed - picking out a comfortable outfit since I was gonna be stuck in a plane for a while.

Deciding to take an uber rather than asking my mom to drive me to the airport, I arrived there a little over an hour later.

As much as this whole trip was to spend some time with my childhood friend, it was honestly lowkey a vacation for me to just cool off and let go of the stress school was currently causing me. University really isn't as glamorous and fun as the movies paint it out to be.

I'm not really one to be able to just stay in one place for a long time, so for me to be stuck in a plane for that many hours was bound to get boring at some point for me. I occupied myself with my laptop for the first hour, trying to find a good movie I could watch and just waste time on but there were literally no interesting picks.

Deciding that maybe some social media will put me out my misery, I logged into my accounts but after like 10 minutes of scrolling through both my Twitter and IG feeds - I eventually got bored again.

Sleep was my last resort. I leaned against the window, looking out and just admiring the view as the music softly played in my earphones until I eventually dozed off. With me being such a heavy sleeper and being tired literally all the time, I was asleep until it was time for the plane to land - in the UK.

I walked through the semi crowded airport and went for the exit. With me not exactly being sure where I'm headed, I waited for a cab while pulling out my phone to tell Camila to send me her address. I don't even know why I didn't ask for it earlier.

I hear a car honk before my name was shouted so loud that probably the entire airport heard it too. I turned to see a girl with her head poking out of a pretty decent Mercedes window and my eyebrows furrowed together in both confusion and curiosity.

"Camila?" I questioned, but I was the only one who probably heard it.

I walked over to the car and when I was close enough, my eyes landed on my best friend. My very different looking best friend.

"You went blonde?" was the first thing that came out my mouth when I saw her. I mean, she was a natural brunette like myself and in all the years I've known her, this was the first time I actually saw her with blonde hair. It was...intriguing.

"Really? That's the first thing you have to say to me after not seeing me for like 3 years?" She rolled her eyes before getting out the car to help me with my things.

"Well, it does kind of like, stand out. To me at least. New state, new life, new hair I see." I said, watching her put my luggage in her car, with the cool breeze messing her hair a bit.

"Okay can you stop giving my hair the attention that you should be giving me?" She turned to me before opening her arms. "Come here. I missed you so much."

My arms wrapped around her as well, breathing in her scent. It's literally been way too long without the one person who makes my life so much better. I mean, I don't mean to sound too dramatic but she really does.

"No, I missed you." I protested, holding her tighter. "You have no idea how shitty NY has been for me without you there."

"Aww, cute." She grabbed my cheek when we finally pulled away, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Can we like go now?" I slapped her hand away before making my way to the passenger seat.

I was beyond exhausted and just wanted to get in bed and sleep right away. I glanced at the clock on her phone and it read 12:37 am and I made a mental note to change my one since it still had New York time on it.

"How did you even know what time I'll get here anyway?" I asked, fastening my seat belt as we got ready to drive away.

"I assumed. I mean, I knew when you left New York and I knew how long the flight from there to here takes. So I just assumed." She shrugged.

"Right." I nodded. "But you really didn't have to come pick me up. I could've taken a cab, it's late and you should be asleep."

She rolled her eyes. "It's only midnight Layla. And besides, I didn't have classes today and was asleep literally the whole day so it's not that much of a big deal."

I just hummed in response.

The drive from the airport to her home wasn't as long but it wasn't short either but we eventually got there. She pulled up in the driveway and we both got out.

I followed her inside, and we instantly went upstairs with her showing me which room will be mine for the time being.

"Okay so this is it. Get some rest, you must be tired." She said, standing on the doorway.

"Tired is literally an understatement." I muttered.

She chuckled before closing my door. "Goodnight, I'll see you tomorrow."

I plopped on the bed before taking my clothes off. I was so tired that I didn't even have the strength to look for my pyjamas in my suitcase so I just jumped into bed with just my underwear. She had no brother who'll just barge in the room uninvited anyway, so I was safe.

It didn't take long for me to get completely knocked out, it had been quite a really long day.



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