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Layla's POV.

I woke up, turning to take a quick glance at the clock and it read 7:23 am which kind of surprised me because ever since I got here, I've literally only been waking up after 11 in the morning.

Camila wasn't in the room and I figured that she was up already and was probably somewhere around the resort.

Walking past the closet to pick out something I'll wear, I then proceeded to the shower to freshen up.

I eventually got out and got dressed before grabbing my phone and headed out the room.

I spotted my friends chilling around one of the tables, and I suppose they were having breakfast. It was 7 in the morning after all.

I smiled warmly when I reached the table they were seated at. Heads turned to look at me and I realised that there was one head missing - the one I somehow was really looking forward to seeing today.

"Where's Trent?" I question, unable to help the frown that was suddenly on my face.

"Good morning to you too." Camila rolled her eyes as I took a seat next to Henderson who put his hand on my shoulder and smirked.

"Don't worry, your boyfriend is around here somewhere. He hasn't left the resort or anything, if that's what you're frowning about."

I made a face. "What? No. I wasn't asking because I cared, I was just curious. And I was only frowning because I'm so hungry, which is why I'm gonna stand up right now and go get myself something to eat."

"You suck at lying." Virgil simply said, laughing along with the others.

I rolled my eyes and just as I was about to stand up to go get myself some breakfast, I looked up to see Trent approaching our table and everyone else turned to look at him as well, like how they did when I got here too.

He greeted us and they all greeted back as he and the person he walked over with took their seats. I figured that maybe it was just another friend of theirs since the only ones who seemed to not know the person were Cami and I.

"You already know the guys," Trent started. Even though I was now suddenly so interested in my phone, I still knew that it was him speaking. "But that's Camila." He motioned to Cami.

"And that's Layla, Camila's best friend." He continued.

I mean, I'm most probably just tripping a little bit but he could've just said 'that's Camila and Layla, our friends'. Because that's what we are, right? We're their friends - I'm his friend -  we aren't just Camila and Layla.

Am I making some sort of sense right now?

"And this is Riley," He paused. I was about to lie and tell her that it was nice to meet her when Trent continued. "My girlfriend."

My head shot up and my eyes landed on Trent who was, for some reason, looking back at me and they moved from him to Riley who had a proud smile on her face - probably because she had that title.

"I'll just go get myself something to eat." I quietly told Hendo and with that, I stood up to leave the table.

I walked to the buffet, smiling to myself. Smiling because I just wanted to stuff my face with some Mac'n'Cheese and I'm gonna do exactly that.


I turned around. "Oh hey." I forced the most enthusiastic smile I could master.

"You don't have to pretend, we're the only ones here." She said blankly.


"We may have just met only a couple of minutes ago but I already know you don't like me." She rolled her eyes. "No point in trying to hide it."

"You're right. I can't say I'm a fan." I shrugged.

"Look, I could care less if you like me or not cause honestly, I don't give a shit about you either. Just stay away from Trent."

I couldn't help but laugh, "Stay away from Trent? Please. I don't even like him as a person in general, let alone like that."

"Yeah right, you know I see right through you. You want him. But if you know what's good for you, you'll back off." She spat angrily.

"Well, Rolly, Rally or whatever the fuck your name is -"

"It's Riley." She rolled her eyes.

"You've just earned a spot in the list of bitches I've met in my life so far." I shot her a sarcastic smile.

She opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted by a third voice causing us both to turn around.

"Is everything good?" Trent questioned hesitantly, looking from me to this dumb witch who now wore her most innocent face.

It took everything in me not to roll my eyes.

"Perfect." I said before brushing past him and leaving them both standing there.

I wasn't even hungry anymore.



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