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Layla's POV.

"I'm literally so exhausted." Camila groaned as she plopped on the bed we're currently sharing.

"Yeah because you decided it was a great idea to stay up all night with your boyfriend."

"We got a bit carried away." She shrugged.

I scoffed. "Honestly though, don't you two ever get tired of ea- woah." I stopped mid-sentence.

Camila turned around, giving me a curious look. "What?"

"Well, hello there." I whispered with a chuckle as I stared at my phone.

"Layla!" She shouted, taking me out my little trance.

"Wait, wait. Who the heck is this?" I asked as I extended my arm so she could have a better view of my phone screen.

 Who the heck is this?" I asked as I extended my arm so she could have a better view of my phone screen

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She let out a laugh. "How did you find him?"

"I got a notification saying that he just followed me and I decided to check out his profile to see who he is." I explained, taking my phone back.

"Wait, he followed you?" She grinned. "Well this is gonna be good."

"You're gonna tell me who he is or not, cause you evidently have a clue." I said, getting a little impatient with her.

"That's Jadon. Jadon Sancho."

She just told me what I already knew since I obviously could see his name on his profile. But I still couldn't help but smile. I mean, I've never exactly met someone with that last name before so I did find it quite interesting.

"Well, Jadon is hot." I pointed out blatantly, deciding to just put that out there.

I'm not even gonna lie, he already had my attention.

"Sure but be careful not to catch feelings." She said. "If it happens that you two end up talking."

"Why not?" My eyebrows furrowed together in confusion as I turned to look at my best friend. It's not that I was planning on doing so, I was just curious as to why she said that.

"Because," She started, looking at me as if the reason she was about to state was the most obvious one. "He plays for England."


"Trent plays for England too."

"Again, so?"

"Do you really want to be caught in that situation?" She asked.

"What situation?" I shot back. "There's literally no situation here because I really could care less about Trent. I don't like him. I've been telling you that."

She put her hands up in surrender before getting up and making her way to the door. "I was just saying." She said before leaving the room.

I turned my attention back to my phone, deciding to follow Jadon back. Just because. I had wondered how he even found my profile because I haven't drawn any sort of attention to myself on social media, until I realized that Joe had posted a picture of us three - him, Camila and I - while we were at the pool yesterday on his story and he tagged me as well.

As much as I hated the fact that people now knew that I was hanging out with Joe - and the guys - I can't really deny that I'm kind of happy that Joe posted that picture because now, this just happened.


"We must really be shitty company then." I heard a voice that sounded a lot like Virgil's causing me to look up.


"You've literally been on your phone for like the past four hours." Mila joined in, rolling her eyes.

"Really? Four hours? Don't you think you're exaggerating a bit?" I asked, locking my phone and placing it on my lap.

Camila and I were both sat alongside Joe, Virgil, Jordan and Trent on the couches that surrounded the fireplace. It may not have been too late but most people were most likely in their rooms right now, except for us. The four men were the circle that Camila was evidently close to, so with me hanging out with her and her hanging out with them, we all just sort of ended up being quite close.

I looked up, my eyes landing on Jordan who was just staring at me with an amused look.

"What?" I asked, trying to keep a straight face but failing miserably.

"I know that smile." He started. "Only a boy can make you smile like that."

I rolled my eyes. "Okay doctor love, calm down." I said, brushing him off.

The question is, was he wrong though?

After following Sancho back this morning, almost instantly he sent me a direct message but I opened it and simply left him on read. I didn't want him thinking that just because he's him, I'll jump to the fact that he texted me and respond right away. Never wanna look too thirsty.

He had to know I wasn't that easy.

I eventually responded though, after like 9 messages from him. He was pretty persistent. We've only been communicating on Instagram because it really is gonna take more than just him being the Jadon Sancho to get my number.

I legit felt someone's stare burning holes on the side of my face and I turned to find Trent staring - more like glaring - at me. And he didn't even turn to look away when our eyes met.

I could name quite a number of things I hated about Trent and the fact that I really struggled to read him was one of them. He just had this look that I couldn't quite understand.

I wanted to ask him what was up, what was going on in his head... but I didn't. Mostly because I thought that maybe that's a conversation I'd rather we have when we're alone.

Just us two.


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𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐒𝐎 𝐒𝐈𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐄; t.alexander-arnold + j.sanchoWhere stories live. Discover now