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Layla's POV.

I quickly grabbed my phone before jogging to catch up to Camila. We still weren't on speaking terms but with us sharing a room, and basically working at the same place, it was kind of hard for her to avoid me when we went to and from the café.

"Shit." I muttered under my breath causing Camila to look up from her phone and stare at me. When I didn't say anything, she followed my gaze, turning to look at what I was cursing about.

 When I didn't say anything, she followed my gaze, turning to look at what I was cursing about

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I was about to grab Cami's arm so we can quickly leave before they saw us but of course Jesse had to open his mouth. He just had to.

He called for both Camila and I, causing the rest of them to acknowledge us as well. I faked a smile, subtly shooting the 26 year old a death glare. Not that he even realised.

I locked eyes with Jadon who approached me, smiling warmly at me before giving me a peck on the lips. Well that's what I thought it was, a simple peck, until he deepened the kiss, his hands that were resting on my waist now making their way to my butt - which he smacked and grabbed, much to his friends' amusement.

I looked at him wide eyed when we pulled away because first of all, what just happened? I mean, ever since I got here, the only side I knew of him was the cute one. You know, hand holding, sweet kisses on the cheek and forehead, and all that type of stuff. So for him to kiss me like that and just casually grab my butt in front of all his friends was definitely new to me.

"What was that about?" I chuckled uneasily.

"Am I not supposed to show affection to my girlfriend now?" He asked, putting a huge emphasis on the word 'my'.

I simply smiled and nodded, deciding to let it go but still couldn't shake off the fact that his behaviour was definitely a little weird.

"Anyway," he started, putting his hands in his pockets. "Where did you disappear to last night? I mean I tried calling, and even went to your room but." He shrugged.

"Last night?" I questioned reluctantly.

"Last night."

My gaze moved from him to Trent who was standing a few feet away, staring blankly at me. I'm not sure if he was displeased with what just happened a few seconds ago or if he was just waiting to hear my response to Jadon's question, like everybody else.

"Well, I, you know - I was somewhere." I shrugged, being as casual as I can be.

He raised an eyebrow at me, evidently not buying my excuse but remained silent, waiting for me to continue.

"I was-"

"She was with me." Camila spoke up.

"But you were with m-" Joe started but instantly went quiet when he saw the look Camila gave him.

I internally facepalmed when Joe and Trent exchanged a look and soon after, a look of realisation was spread across Joe's face, finally catching on.

Why are men so slow?!

"Yeah, I was with Joe but for like a short while before Layla and I decided to go for a walk around this place. We've never really gotten around to seeing the whole of it since we got here. And she's having a hard time explaining where she was because you were actually the reason why she asked me to take a walk with her in the first place. She was just gushing about you the entire time and kind of didn't want you to find out, because she like really likes you but is shy about it." Camila explained, and her little speech seemed to have worked since I could see Jadon nodding.

"Sure." He simply said, and I cleared my throat, the way he was looking at me had me feeling mad uncomfortable.

"Okay well you two should join us." He continued.

"Join you?" I questioned. "Join you where?"

"We're hanging out for the rest of the night. In one of our rooms. We're actually headed there right now." Jesse explained.

"Oh, well as much as that sounds like fun, we actually can't." I declined. There was no way in hell we were about to be in the same room. It's hard enough being around them both for 3 minutes.

"It's cute how you thought that was a request." Jadon simply said before firmly wrapping his arm around my waist and we started heading to whoever's room they were going to chill in. I turned to Camila, giving her a questioning look but she just shrugged, also looking pretty confused.


"If you're gonna cheat on your boyfriend, at least be a good liar." Camila said quietly for just us two to hear.

We had just got to where I learned was Marcus' room, and they were setting up those video games of theirs with others looking through some movies, and I could just tell that it was really gonna be a long night.

"Don't say it like that." I frowned. "I'm not a cheater."

She gave me a look. "Well you sure act like one. What's going on anyway? You were with Trent last night, right?"

I nodded before letting out a faint "Yeah."

She stared at me, waiting for me to continue.

"Spent the night in his room."

"Wait," Her eyes widened a bit. "You and Trent spent the night together? Like together together?"

I was confused for a second until I caught on on what she was trying to say. "No you idiot, not like that. I mean, we did get kind of physical but not to a point of no return."

She simply grinned before putting her hand on my shoulder. "Who would've thought that you would ever be the one playing people not the one getting played, for once. Your mom would be so proud."

"It's not funny Mila." I said, rolling my eyes. "But thanks for having my back, back there. I know it was shitty of me to kind of put the blame on you for everything that's been going on in the first place. I'm sorry."

"It's no big deal, you know I'll be there when you need me even on bad terms." She smiled, pulling me in for a hug. "But you gotta get your shit together because this," she looked at the two teammates that were occupied with whatever it is they were doing. "It isn't gonna end well."

I quietly sighed. Tell me something I don't already know.

After everything was set up, I climbed on Marcus' bed, sitting next to Camila, watching the guys act crazy over some stupid video games. It was all good vibes and fun until Jesse walked over to where I was sitting, unzipping my jacket and forcefully took it off, claiming that it was way too hot in the room for me to have a jacket on.

"No Jesse, bring it back!" I exclaimed, a look of horror spread across my face.

"Woah," He said in an amused tone, his eyes scanning my collarbone area. "Your neck looks like a crime scene with all them hickeys. Jadon take it easy on her bro." He laughed, playfully nudging Jadon.

I literally froze, my eyes instantly widening because, fuck, Jadon was not the one responsible for these hickeys.

𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐒𝐎 𝐒𝐈𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐄; t.alexander-arnold + j.sanchoWhere stories live. Discover now