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Layla's POV.

"Atleast pretend like you're happy to be here." Camila remarked, causing Joe to chuckle as we climbed out the car.

I've never been around here so I couldn't exactly make out where we were.

"Give her a break." Joe commented, throwing his arm over Mila's shoulder as I followed them to wherever we were headed. She simply rolled her eyes.

"She'll be here for the next what, 2-3 months? The least she could do is actually make some friends." Camila spoke up again.

I just shook my head, letting them go ahead, speaking about me as if I wasn't just 2 feet way.

We walked up some steps that led us to some building where the fancy glass doors automatically opened when they sensed our presence. As soon as we stepped inside, I could hear the combination of soft music in the background and chatter from all the people that were there.

It wasn't anything fancy, thank heavens, it just seemed like a casual, laid back party. Joe soon after disappeared into the crowd and I turned to look at Camila.

"Mila." I called, getting her attention. "You know, a party isn't exactly something I was up for on my second day here."

She rolled her eyes for probably the 50th time today before intertwining our fingers as she lead me through the crowd. "You're gonna have to suck all that whining up because we're already here and there's nothing you can do other than enjoy it."

I didn't respond because I knew she had a point. I was already here and whining about it wasn't really gonna do much for me.

We finally reached what seemed like a bar and Camila ordered us both our drinks which came shortly after.

"Wait a minute." I spoke up, almost choking on my beverage. "Is that who I think it is?"

Camila looked up, following my gaze before laughing - probably at how my face must've looked right now.

"Yup." She chuckled. "It's definitely who you think it is."

I know I didn't exactly have that much knowledge when it came to football - or football players - but I know a Virgil Van Dijk when I see one. First of all, he's probably one of the tallest men in the room - if not the tallest. And secondly, he's been mentioned on quite a few headlines lately so it was kind of hard to miss him.

And besides, who could possibly miss that face?

"Stop drooling over the man." Mila bumped me with her shoulder. "He's fucking married. With kids." She eyed me.

"Please." I rolled my eyes. "He's not even my type." I brushed her off.

"A whole Virgil Van Dijk is not your type? Well aren't you a girl with some high standards." She remarked.

"He's literally old enough to be my dad." I commented.

"He's only 28." Camila said, looking at me with a blank expression.

"I really don't care. My point still stands."

"But your point's invalid though."

I simply shrugged before taking another sip of my drink. I said what I said.

Even though I was witnessing it first hand, it was still kind of hard to believe that my best friend was really hanging out with such a crowd.

"Want me to introduce you to some people? Maybe the wives and girlfriends of some guys that are here?" She asked and I shook my head.

"Maybe a little later."

She nodded before telling me that she needed to use the restroom. With that, she got up and disappeared into the crowd, leaving me to sit there alone.

Not that I really minded.

I actually enjoyed my own company over anyone else's, so it wasn't that big of a deal.

"A margarita, please." A voice speaks next to me and in the corner of my eye, I could see the bar tender politely nodding.

The guy took a seat on the stool where Camila was previously sitting, next to me and I contemplated telling him that the seat was taken. But I didn't. It wasn't a big deal and Mila and I could easily find another place to sit once she came back.

"Didn't think the party was that boring."

I looked up, not exactly sure if he was speaking to me. But when I turned to look at him, he was already staring back at me.


"I said, I didn't think the party was that boring." He repeated himself. "You're sitting over here alone and you're on Instagram." He motioned to the phone that was currently in my hand.

"It's not that the party's boring, it just isn't really my scene." I said, swiftly locking my phone. "And I'm not alone, my friend just needed to rush somewhere and should be back any minute now."

He simply nodded, grabbing his glass that the bar tender had put in front of him not so long ago.

"I don't think I've seen you around before." He spoke again, looking at me as if trying to figure out if he knew my face from somewhere or not.

"Could say the same about you."

"Are you here with someone? Like a plus one or something like that." He asked.

"If you're asking if I'm here with a guy, my best friend's boyfriend drove us here. So unless that counts then the answer's no." I shrugged.


My eyebrows slightly furrowed together and I wanted to ask him what he meant by that but was interrupted by someone placing their hand on my back and I turned around to see Camila.

She gave the guy a smile which he gladly returned.

"She's here with you?" He asked her.

They know each other?

Camila grinned before nodding. The guy nodded back as he grabbed his glass before standing up from his seat.

"I'm Trent, by the way." Were the last words he said before disappearing to I don't know where.


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