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Layla's POV

I smiled, mouthing an 'I love you' to Jesse who was taking a video of me, as we sat across from each other.

He chuckled before muttering an "Of course you do" as he typed away on his phone, and knowing him, I just knew that that video was gonna be on the internet in no time

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He chuckled before muttering an "Of course you do" as he typed away on his phone, and knowing him, I just knew that that video was gonna be on the internet in no time.

It was just another one of those chill sessions with them and even though I spent a couple of days kind of upset with Jesse - I knew that what happened wasn't his fault.

I smiled slightly when I looked up to see Jadon making his way over to where I was sitting, planting a light kiss on my cheek.

"You need to stop taking pictures of things that don't belong to you." He playfully sneered at Jesse who opened his mouth to respond but somebody beat him to it.

"Just because she belongs to you doesn't mean she acts like it."

My head, along with Jadon's instantly turned in the direction where the voice came from and my eyes landed on Trent who was standing a few feet away, leaning against the wall.

"What did you say?" Jadon retorted as he stood up, slowly making his way towards Trent.

I quickly stood up as well, gently grabbing his arm. "Jadon rel-"

"I said, just because she belongs to you doesn't mean she acts like it."

"And what's that supposed to mean?"

"Trent shut up." I glared at him before turning to Jadon, pleading for him to at least calm down.

Everyone's attention was now directed to the scene that these two were causing.

"What the hell is going on here?" Hendo intervened, looking from Trent to Jadon and vice versa. He was the older one here so I guess it was up to him to try and clear things out.

"That's what I would like to know." Trent turned to look at me. "Didn't we just talk about this just a few days ago?"

"This is not the time." I said sternly.

"It's not? Then when will it be, cause I'm tired of all of this. Do you have any idea how awkward and annoying it is to have him confide in me about the fact that you're cheating —when I'm the one you're cheating on him with?"

"Trent!" I shrieked, his sudden declaration taking me by complete surprise.

My heart beat was so loud that I could've sworn that everyone could hear it as all our friends went dead silent - probably just as shocked as I was with what Trent just said.

I could literally feel Jadon's stare burning holes on the side of my face and I knew that what Trent just said definitely pissed him off even more.

And when Jadon is pissed, he is pissed. I should know because I've seen it, and it's not something I wished to see again.

"I hate seeing you two be all coupley and all that shit when I'm the one you're fucking."

My eyes widened, completely mortified by what my ears just heard. Before I could say anything, Trent was already stumbling back, holding his jaw and I realised that Jadon had punched him. It didn't take long for him to swing back, hitting Jadon with just as much force.

"Stop!" I cried out, putting my body on the line as I tried to separate them.

"Layla get behind me, now." Trent orded and as much as I tried to resist, I was easily pushed aside due to how small I was compared to him.

I watched in horror as Hendo and Raheem tried to pull the two apart because honestly, that's all I could really do.

"Go back to your room, now." Henderson sternly told Trent who turned to look at me. I frowned, seeing some blood on his lip.

"Let's go." He said softly, extending his hand for me to take.

My gaze moved from him to Jadon who also looked pretty bad. I sighed, my head turning to face the floor, before I stepped back, making my way to where Jadon was as he wrapped his arm around my waist, smirking at Trent who kept his gaze on me the entire time.

"Layla I said come on, let's go." He repeated.

"I can't," I murmured. "I'm sorry."

He stared at me for a while before letting out a bitter chuckle. "So that's it? Actually you know what, forget it. Whatever game it is you're playing, I want no part in it no more. We're too old. I ain't got time." He said, almost in defeat. "You can have her." He told Jadon before turning to walk away.

I closed my eyes, burying my face in my hands, unable to hold back my emotions anymore. I knew that Trent most probably hated me right now but I would never do this to him if I didn’t have to.


Never really asked but who do you think is better suited for Layla? I can't decide. I'm always like, okay it's this one but then change my mind right after.😬

𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐒𝐎 𝐒𝐈𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐄; t.alexander-arnold + j.sanchoWhere stories live. Discover now