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[A/N almost been a month without an update and I apologise. Life sometimes tends to get in the way of things. But I finally managed to write something, so here you go. x]


Layla's POV.

I knocked on the very familiar door, so loud and hard that my knuckles started to hurt.

"Can you calm down, I said I'm com-" The door swung open. Once he saw that it was me, his expression went blank. "Why are you h-"

He didn't get to finish his sentence because my hand instantly came in contact with his cheek, slapping him. Hard. So hard that my own hand stung but I kept a straight face.

He groaned in pain, clenching his jaw, and I figured that maybe I added to the pain he was still feeling from Jadon's punch earlier on. But he didn't say anything as I let myself in.

I could see Jordan sitting on Trent's bed but I didn't pay him much attention - he wasn't the reason I was here.

"You asshole. Why'd you lie like that?" I turned to face Trent.

"I had to get my point across." He shrugged.

"By lying? You literally made me look so cheap in front of everyone! Now all your friends believe I slept with you when I didn't." The more I looked at him, the more frustrated I got with how unbothered he seemed - making me wish I had slapped him even harder.

"Honestly Trent if you keep this up, I just might-"

He scoffed, "Just might what? Hurt me? Play me? Cause you've done those already."

"You're heartless, you know that?" I muttered. "What you did was just wrong and you need to admit and own up to that."

"Wait, what I did was wrong? What about what you did? If I'm heartless, it's because you ripped it the fuck out. I know you're not trying to put this on me, like I'm the one who's constantly been screwing you over and messing with your head. I'm so tired of you always acting like I'm going out of my way to hurt you."

"Trent-" Jordan warned quietly but he shook his head.

"No, I have the right to be angry."

"Yeah but you knew it was gonna be hard for me to give you all of me from the get go, you knew I wasn't single." I shot back. "You asked me to leave him but it's not that simple. I'm with him for a reason and I won't just leave."

"So why did you get involved with me to begin with if you were so sure that nothing will come out of this? I told you that you are it for me, but we clearly weren't on the same page. You led me on!"

"Okay, can this conversation be held when the both of you aren't so upset?" Jordan cut in, shooting both Trent and I a concerned look.

"That wasn't my intention." I turned to Trent, completely ignoring Hendo. "You know-"

"No. At this point, I really don't know anything - all I know is that I wish I never met you."

"That's how you feel?"

"Yes." He said firmly.

"Alright then. Great." I shrugged, my tone with a hint of annoyance.

"I'm done trying so hard only for you to run back into his arms. Keep saying you're not the kind of girl to play both sides but you've been doing that ever since you got here. You've literally been bullshiting me this whole time - acting like you're with me and we're on the same page. Really sucks that people don't know the real you, cause you're a liar." He continued. "But I hope you achieved whatever it is you wanted to achieve. And well, some things are temporary, and what we had was merely one of those things. I don't see a future in trying to pursue someone who clearly doesn't want any association with me."

I quietly sighed, running a hand through my hair as my eyes closed shut, and I just took a second to reflect on everything. For God's sake, to think I left New York thinking I'll be here having the best time with my best friend.

"It just... hurts. I really don't understand why it had to be you that I fell for." Trent spoke up again, interrupting my thoughts. "I hope you don't get your heart broken."

I opened my mouth to speak but he was already out the door, leaving me with Hendo in his room.

"Please don't." I told Jordan, seeing the look he was giving me.

"Just put yourself in his shoes," he started. "If you were him, you'd know how he feels."

"I didn't realize it meant so much to him."

"Well it did." He shrugged. "And I get that you've made your decision, but just know that the only person who's gonna end up hurt here is definitely you."


"Okay, I'll call you tomorrow then. I love you." I said before hanging up.

"That was your mom?" Camila asked as I walked in our room, and I nodded, closing the door behind me, with my eyes still glued to my phone.

"Mila you won't believe-" I finally looked up, instantly going quiet when I saw that Camila wasn't alone.

She gave me a slight smile. "I'll give you two some space." She said before standing up, giving me a quick hug then exited the room.

"Hey." I said softly.


I hadn't seen him since that incident earlier, so things weren't quite cleared out between us yet.

"I uh, wanna talk about what happened, you know, earlier." I started and he nodded. "That's why I'm here as well."

I let a sigh escape my lips before looking up to meet his eyes. "About what Trent said," I trailed off.

"Layla if you slept with him then you did, there's nothing I can do about it now."

"I didn't sleep with him Jadon, I promise I didn't." I shook my head, hoping that he'd believe me because I really was telling the truth. "Yes we made out, I admit. But things didn't go further than that."

He just remained quiet, with an expression I couldn't read.

"I mean, I feel like shit for even allowing that to happen." I frowned. "And I'm sorry. I'm a girl with a whole lot of baggage and all I know is how to mess a good thing up." My voice cracked and I realised how close I was to crying.

"Hey hey hey. Look at me." He cupped my face. "It's alright, we're okay. I know things aren't perfect right now but we'll figure it out, I know we will." He said before pulling me in for a hug.

"Jadon I'm scared

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"Jadon I'm scared." I mumbled, my face still buried in his chest.

"Of what?"

"Of losing you. I know my actions and the things I do confuse you sometimes but I really don't want to lose you."

And I really meant it. I didn't agree to being his girlfriend just because, I agreed because I really liked him and wanted him to be a part of my life.

"You won't." He said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. He gently lifted my face so I could look at him. "You and I still have forever to spend together."

I playfully rolled my eyes. "We're only 19 and you're already talking about forever?"

"When it's real, you just know."


A/N well, decisions were made in this chapter.

𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐒𝐎 𝐒𝐈𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐄; t.alexander-arnold + j.sanchoWhere stories live. Discover now