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[A/N : This chapter (only) will be in third person. Just to see where everybody's head is at.]


After the pair's altercation a couple of days ago, instead of things actually getting better, they just went south.

Instead of being glad that Trent respected her wishes - staying away and giving her space like she asked - Layla found herself somewhat sulking at the fact that even when they found themselves in the same room, he wouldn't even look in her direction.

That's the thing, when she asked him to back off - she didn't think he would actually take her seriously. But he did. She was quite saddened that he didn't seem to miss her.

She was so used to him constantly showing affection towards her or just trying to woo her with his stupid cocky remarks, but now that he wasn't - it had her mind messed up a little. Feelings pretty much all over the place, making it hard for her to concentrate on anything or anyone else.

You could say that everyone was kind of just tolerating everyone at this point. And it really wouldn't come as a shock to anyone who knows what's up if by the end of this, countless friendships would cease to exist.

"You know, maybe if you actually used your head for once and didn't take irrational decisions, I wouldn't be dealing with this right now." Layla snarled at her best friend.

"Are you saying all of this is my fault?"

"No I'm saying you're the one who brought me here to begin with. That's my point."

Camila shook her head before standing up to leave the room that they, unfortunately, shared. She couldn't believe that Layla had the nerve to actually pin this on her.

They may have walked into the St George's Park premises as best friends but at the moment, it was unclear if they were going to leave as such.


With her being Jadon's girlfriend, finding herself in the same space as his teammates was honestly kind of inevitable. And with him always wanting to show her off to his friends, proud of himself to have a girl like her by his side - it really didn't help her situation, or rather their situation.

"Moody again?" Jadon joked, chuckling softly as he extended his arm, reaching for Trent who simply shrugged him off - evidently uninterested in any form of communication with his teammate.

"Moody again?" Jadon joked, chuckling softly as he extended his arm, reaching for Trent who simply shrugged him off - evidently uninterested in any form of communication with his teammate

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His attitude didn't go unnoticed by the rest of the lads but Trent being Trent, he was known for being moody and sulky from time to time so they didn't look too much into it.

He also tried not to act some type of way towards Jadon, but seeing that she was there, next to him, being his right hand - he just couldn't help it.

"What's up with you lately bro?" Jadon inquired again, genuinely worried about his friend.

"Him and his girl broke it off a few days ago." Jesse chimed in, sounding a little too excited about it.

Even though that was true, and as much as he did kind of like Riley - to a certain extent - it wasn't entirely what he was upset about.

Jadon stood there, still waiting for him to maybe explain further about what happened but Trent just shook his head. He couldn't tell him that the girl he was hurt over, the girl he desperately wanted to be with and the girl he might be falling in love with was the same one Jadon was dating.

"I don't wanna talk about it." Trent finally said, half heartedly.

Layla remained quiet, you'd swear she wasn't there. But when she heard that Trent and his girlfriend broke up, there was this odd wave of both happiness and relief that flashed across her face, but no one payed enough attention so it went unnoticed. Much to her relief.

She stared at him, hoping that he would turn and look in her direction and maybe she could catch his eye. Even if it's just for a second. And he did. His eyes were cold, emotionless and he ultimately looked unbothered.

But if she knew better, she would know that besides being good at football, Trent was quite gifted at pretending too.



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