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Layla's POV.

"Are you good?"


"Wanna talk about it?"


Camila just rolled her eyes before plopping on the bed next to me. "Anyway, I was thinking that we should-"

She immediately sat up when she saw what I was busy with on the laptop. "Why are you buying plane tickets?"

"Why else would I buy plane tickets? I'm leaving." I shrugged.

"But you still have like 2 weeks left before you really have to go back." She pointed out.

I just shrugged again. "I miss home."

"Okay yeah, don't give me that. You're really just gonna leave because of one dumb argument with Trent?"

"One dumb argument. That's funny." I let out a sarcastic chuckle.

She frowned. "But Layla to just leave?"

"Ever heard the saying that goes, 'you don't drown by falling in the water, you drown by staying there'?" I turned to look at her. "Well if I stay here a minute longer, I will drown." I shrugged.

"Can you stop being dramatic for one second? Seriously. It was just a fight. You said it yourself that you guys always argue, what's new?"

"Why are you saying that like it's supposed to be normal, like it's healthy." I turned to look at her in disbelief.

"I mean, isn't it?"

I sighed, closing the laptop that was placed on my lap. "Look, I spent the last 2 months here going halfway crazy and I just don't want to be here no more. I already made up my mind so you really can't convince me otherwise. I'll just call a cab or an uber or something to take me back to your place so I can grab my passport and my things."

"I'm sorry." She said after a short while of silence.

"For what?"

"I was the one who brought you here in the first place. And about you and him, I was so sure you guys would get it right in the end."

I simply shrugged. "If you were happy before you knew someone, you'll be happy after they're gone."

"Yeah, I don't think it works like that." She said, giving me a concerned look.

"Don't sweat it." I slightly nudged her, shooting her a warm smile. "Was fun while it lasted, I guess."

Camila and I hung out for a while before I decided to get ready since the earliest flight back to New York was tonight. I wasn't planning on staying another day or night here.

I quietly sighed as I now stood in front of the very familiar door before knocking, then patiently waited for it to open.

"We've seen each other's faces more than enough times today, don't you think?" He asked as soon as his eyes landed on me.

"It'll just take a minute Trent."

He stepped aside, and I walked in before he closed the door behind me.

"Well?" He pushed.

"Look, I apologise for coming into your life and fucking it up the way that I did - intentionally or not. But I'm here to tell you that you won't have to worry about that anymore." I started and he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"What are you getting at?"

"I'm leaving." I clarified "I'm heading back home in a few hours and I-"

"What do you mean home?"

"I mean home Trent. New York."

"Oh." was all he said before taking a seat on the edge of his bed.

"Yeah..." I trailed off.

The room went silent, with neither of us saying anything for a short while. It was uncomfortable, to say the least.

"Is this about our argument?" He finally spoke.


"Okay but I didn't ask you to leave. I never said that."

"You kind of did though." I argued. "I remember you telling me that you didn't see the point of us being in each other's lives anymore."

He went quiet again.

"You know," I started. "I'm sick of begging you to listen. You wanna hold this over my head without knowing the facts, then fine, do that. I'm just so exhausted of everything about us, you know?"

I wasn't the least bothered by the fact that he put no effort in replying. It just gave me a chance to say everything I had to say so I can get out of here.

"This just sucks because it'll be hard for me to get over something that wasn't supposed to end in the first place." I admitted. "But you know what, that doesn't even matter anymore. I just need you to know that I never meant to come between you and Jadon."

"Are you done?" He asked blankly.


"You aren't deaf Layla, I said are you done?" He repeated.

"Wow," I breathed, a bit taken aback by his response. "You really don't care anymore, huh?"

He just shrugged. His face suddenly emotionless, empty.

I bit my lip, nodding to myself. "Right. Well, uh, there's one more thing."

He just hummed in response.

"I love you."

It felt a little weird saying that, considering that I hadn't said it to anyone in a while.

"And I hope this, you know - what we had, I hope it at least meant something to you."

The room went silent again and I could see his jaw clench as he got up, making his way to the door - opening it. "Well if that's all then, have a nice flight home."

"Wow." I murmured to myself, blinking away the tears that suddenly made an appearance.

I walked towards the already open door but then stopped and turned to face him. "You know Trent, you're gonna miss me. I can assure you that. And only then will you realise that you only have yourself to blame, and I hope it hurts you. I know it's selfish but I hope you won't be happy without me."

With that, I turned back around and walked out the door before slamming it shut. I wanted to scream, yell, anything... But all I could do was stare at the wall in silence as the tears I was trying so hard to hold in now streamed down my face. Clutching my chest tightly, I could literally feel the physical pain of my heart breaking.

I was so certain he wouldn't let me go without a fight but when he didn't put up one, my heart instantly broke. It made me realise how little this actually meant to him.

I heard a loud yell before a sound of things being thrown around filled my ears - and I assumed that there were a bunch of things that had just collided with the wall or the floor. The nerve of him to be the one throwing a temper tantrum after doing what he just did.

After what seemed like hours of me just standing there, leaning against his door, I finally managed to pull myself together. If they don't chase you when you walk away, you got to keep walking right?

I made my way down the hall, headed to Joe's room since I knew Mila and Jordan were probably there as well. I just wanted to say goodbye to the only people that mattered.


A/N happy ending? smh, this isn't disney.

no honestly, i had planned this ending literally before i even published the book and i thought of not doing it since well, it's a book and they're supposed to walk off into the sunset together (with whoever it is she might've picked) but 90 percent of the time, in real life it don't be like that. no matter how much we want it - some stories just don't have a happy ending.

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𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐒𝐎 𝐒𝐈𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐄; t.alexander-arnold + j.sanchoWhere stories live. Discover now