Siegfried and Athena

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By: Maria Alexa | @mariaalexa1985

Prompt: They didn't end up together. 5 years into the future, there will be a McDo commercial starring — her son, and his daughter, funny thing? she named her son Siegfried, and his daughter Athena. 

—— 5 days when she flew home from North Carolina. Here she is at the office of the Marketing Director of McDonald's. Same building but after 5 years that she was gone, it feels different, or maybe just because a lot of things in the office had changed.

"Miss Maine, can you wait for a few minute's ma'am? Ma'am Malou is on her way from the meeting." She was interrupted by Miss Malou's secretary.

She smiled —- "Oh, it's fine, don't worry."

"Can I get you something, Miss Maine? Coffee? Tea? Or Soda?"

"Just water, please..."

"Okay, Miss Maine will get you some water."

She gets up and roams around the office until something caught her eye, at the furthest corner is a section of photo gallery's and 5 of those photo frames are familiar, so familiar that her heartbeat begins to hike up. That sums up her short-lived showbiz career back then. She and RJ met in a McDo Commercial, to their surprise that commercial sealed the deal for their showbiz career — well, at least for her, because RJ was already starting his showbiz career back then. It was the beginning of the Phenomenon. From commercials to magazines, to conquering social media, people were craving for them. That commercial was a success that it was followed by 4 more. And behind that, it was also the start of a love story of two people from different background, different personalities, yet they were able to make an impact on each other. From the outside world, the two of them were a perfect and beautiful couple. But to her — it wasn't perfect but a once in a lifetime love, the kind of love that you see

in grey hair and in sunsets. It was the best kind of love so she thought it will never end, yet...time and fate decide — they part their ways...without a proper goodbye.

"Maine, Thank you so much for waiting." The voice of Miss Malou echoes and that prompts her to bring her thoughts back to here and now. She turns around and stops right on her track because following Miss Malou is the man in her thoughts awhile ago — here he is in flesh. She hasn't moved, it's as if her feet were nailed on the floor. She is seeing the man after 5 years, and he is looking at her right now with piercing eye, the one that sends bullet right through the head.

"Oh, by the way, Maine, RJ is also here because I've asked him to come over for I wanted to discuss with you both something."

Maine turns her gaze from RJ to Miss Malou, she smiles. "Yeah, it's okay. Could we discuss it now? She looks at her watch. "I'd like to finish it as soon as we can. I still have things to do."

"Oh yes, please sit down you two." Both of them sits opposite side while Miss Malou sits on her desk area.

They were staring now, no one dares to look down. They both are gauging themselves, but no one dares to speak again. Miss Malou looks at them both and feels the tension so she decided to speak.

"Okay Maine and RJ, first — thank you for doing this and I am so happy that after 5 years, our most phenomenal couple is back here where it all began. Both your McDo franchises are doing very well as per the last report from the Marketing Department. In fact, your stores, both of you are on the top 10 most selling franchises in the country. So, you're coming home Maine, is a perfect timing. We are almost celebrating our anniversary and we would like to do a commercial again, but this time it would star your son, Maine and your daughter, RJ. I hope you won't refuse us.

Maine gasps and a bit shock by what she just heard. She looks at RJ who is also staring at her. His — with no emotions, but hers with a question. Does RJ have a daughter? Is he married now?

"I am fine with that, I am sure Athena will love to do the commercial." RJ finally said without moving his gaze away from her.

"What? Athena? You named your daughter Athena?" She asked.

"Yeah, what's wrong with that? I have a 4-year-old Athena, and as what I've heard you have a 4-year-old boy, and you named him Siegfried." His face still has no emotions, but his stare still pierces right through her soul.

She can't believe it. Are you f*cking kidding me, universe? She thought to herself. She can't do this now. She needs to leave. She looks up at Miss Malou and smile. "Miss Malou can I just call you about this? I'll think about all this and I need to talk to my husband about the commercial. *She looks at her watch again.* But I really need to go. I need to fetch my son."

"Yeah, that's fine. Just call me anytime Maine."

Without even looking back at RJ, she stands up and bid goodbye to Miss Malou. She is rushing, nearing the elevator, but when she is about to enter the elevator, someone grabs her arm.

"Where do you think you're going? We're not done yet."

"Bitawan mo nga ako, RJ! And who are you to say that?"

Unfortunately, no one is in the elevator when she steps in, RJ follows and that gives them time to talk.

"Can we talk? Please?"


"Can I see Siegfried?"

She abruptly turns her head to RJ.

"What did you just say?"

"I said, can I see Siegfried?"

"The answer is NO. And why did you named your daughter Athena?"

"And why not? Athena is a beautiful name."

"That's supposed to be our daughter's name! Are you kidding me?" She shouts.

RJ stops and stares at her, and then he smirks and then smiles at her as if goading her.

Gaaah! This devil is still handsome!

"Look who's talking. Really? You're telling me that's supposed to be OUR daughter's name, yet you named your son Siegfried. May I remind you — that's supposed to be OUR son's name. So let me ask you this time — WHY DID YOU NAMED YOUR SON SIEGFRIED?"

Maine was caught off guard with the question. She looks down. A lot of things are running in her head at the moment.

"Cut your tongue, sweetheart?" She heard RJ ask.

In a low and pleading voice.

"RJ, please. Let's forget about this. Let me go home. I need to be with my son."

This time they reach the ground floor. They both walk towards the parking lot.

"Where's your car?"

Maine stop. Closes her eyes. Inhale and Exhale.

"Please, stop this now, RJ. I don't want this. I don't want all of this!" And then without looking back, she turns her heel towards the parking lot. But a few steps away from RJ, she hears the words that make her whole being tremble. This can't be. No. Lord, this can't be.

"You can't run away from me forever — Nicomaine. I know for a fact that Siegfried is my son, and now that you're back, I would make sure that I am gonna see my son by hook or by crook. Remember that."

Maine closes her eyes, tears falling from it. This is it. This is her end. RJ already knows. She will fight for her son because no one can take away her son from her.

She turns around and he was gone, but she knows that's just the start.

- END -

NOTE: This will be turned into a full fanfic. Thank you for reading!

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