Chapter Seventeen

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"So you seriously expect me to believe that my own brother, wants my baby, for his own selfish needs?" I asked, my mouth wide in shock and disgust. I could feel my blood boiling as I looked her, confused as to how she could say such a thing to me, especially about my own brother. 

"Look, Annabelle, no one knows your brother how I do. It's fairly obvious, vampire babies are a once in a blue moon occurance, why wouldn't he want it for his own needs?" Katherine stated matter-of-factly, tilting her head at me as if she didn't understand why I was questioning it.

"You don't know him at all!" I screamed, standing up. I felt Damon's hands on my arms, as if he was trying to restrain me. "He would never do anything to harm me, or my baby! You're just a selfish bitch who wants everyone to bow to your every need and believe everything you say! But let me tell you something, you don't know him and you never will. He hates you, and the sooner he finds you and kills you, the better!"

Katherine's eyes went wide at my sudden outburst. Everyone's eyes in the coffee shop turned to look at me as I completely freaked out at her. Damon had given up trying to restrain me, he was just rubbing his fingers against my hips, something that he often did when I was stressed out. I felt myself lower back into my chair, my face now bright red. Katherine shrugged a little and stood up, "Believe what you want Annabelle, but face the facts, Klaus will never be a nice person, and you need to realize that."

I frowned deeply and watched her as she walked out of the coffee shop, I turned to Damon as he just sat there quietly, not quite sure what to say or do, "I hate her..." I frowned, my eyes tearing up. Damon didn't say anything, he just wrapped his arms around me and I snuggled into his chest. "She has to ruin everything, I was so happy.. We have our baby on the way and she has to go and ruin everything." 

Damon nodded a little, stroking my back gently as he tried to soothe me, "I know... I know, but just forget her. I'm here for you and that's all that matters baby."


Me and Damon were sitting in the hospital, I was glancing at the ultra sound screen and I grinned widely, seeing my baby on the screen. Damon was holding my hand and stroking over the palm of my hand gently, "It's our baby girl..." I said, grinning widely. 

"Indeed it is," Damon said with a smile, continuing to stroke over my hand. The midwife cleaned my stomach of the gel and then put everything away, before handing us a couple of pictures from our ultra-sound, the grin on my face was practically face-splitting. I'd probably never been so happy to see an ultra-sound image.

Damon took them and put them into my handbag for me and then turned to look at me, holding out his arm for me, "Shall we?" he asked, smiling charmingly.

"We shall," I said, grinning and standing up, pulling my shirt down over my stomach. I linked my arms with his and then walked with him out of the hospital, "I can't wait until she's born..." I said, subconsciously rubbing over my stomach. 

"Me neither.." Damon said, grinning widely as we walked home.


We arrived at home and walked inside, seeing none other than Stefan and Elena, getting a little too cosy for anyone's comfort. I sighed loudly and slammed the door shut, making sure they could hear mine and Damon's arrival, "You know, this is becoming too much of a regular occurrence for my liking!" I said, watching them as they jumped away from each other and sat at opposite sides of the sofa to each other. "There's going to be a little one running around here soon and all you two can do is jump each other's bones, goodness gracious!" I said, sighing dramatically and flopping into the chair closest to me. 

Damon was just standing there with an arrogant smirk on his face as he watched Stefan and Elena, both of their faces now a deep red, "Well well well, if you could please remove yourselves from my sofa, that'd be great. And I can assure you, any stains and I will not be cleaning anything up. Gosh, dry-humping, how childish," he said, faking horror but still smirking. Combined me and Damon knew exactly how to make the both of them feel awkward about what had happened. They were both fully clothed, well apart from the lack of buttons on Stefan's shirt, they hadn't actually done anything... Well at least we'd hoped so, but that was beside the point.

I chuckled and stood up, heading upstairs. But before I actually got to the bottom of the stairs, I leant over the back of the sofa and whispered against Stefan's ear, "Wrap it before you tap it bro," and then laughed loudly and manically as if what I had just said was the funniest thing that anyone could have possibly ever said before walking up the stairs. Damon following close behind me, we headed straight into our bedroom, I smiled, loving how it smelt of Damon's after shave and went and lay on the bed, inhaling the scent and grinning, "Undress me, peasant," I said to Damon.

His expression turned sour as he walked over to me, "Peasant? How awfully rude," he said playfully before tugging off my shoes.

"You've been with me for over a hundred years Damon, I would have thought that you were used to it by now," I said with a small grin as Damon continued to undress me.

That night, I dreamt nice dreams, about nice things. No Katherine's, no baby stealing brothers, just me and Damon in our own little bubble.


The next morning I received a call from Caroline. I groaned loudly as I heard my phone, reached across and then grabbed it. It had woken me from my morning slumber, which is awfully bloody rude if you ask me, "Mhmhm?" I mumbled into the speaker. I had never been much of a morning person, and just because it was someone that I liked on the other end, wasn't going to make it any different.

"I wanted to call and ask, if you were still taking part in Miss Mystic? It's this weekend and no one has heard much from you even though you've been filling in the applications. But you haven't shown up to any of the dance rehearsals and you and Damon better have some amazing dance skills hidden away from us all!"  Caroline practically squealed down the phone.

Well shit, I'd completely forgotten about Miss Mystic, I had agreed to do it when I first moved here. But obviously that was before I'd gotten myself pregnant, and even though I was technically over a thousand years old, that wasn't going to go down well with the people that thought I was only eighteen. But I had decided, that as it had been an incredibly long time since I had entered, and because I was a founding family member, that I had to keep my word. "Gosh Caroline of course I am, have a little faith in me, I'd never miss out on that."

All I could hear then was a rather excited scream, "Great! I'll see you at dance rehearsals tomorrow and I swear to god if you don't show up, I'll have your pretty little boyfriend neutered, you hear me? Okay, love you Belle, laters." 

I chuckled softly, "It's a bit late to neuter him now..." I thought to myself as I leaned over and kissed Damon to wake him up, all I got was a groan in response. I chuckled, "Come on Damon baby, we're going dress shopping." This earnt me another groan from him and I shook my head playfully. He was going to love me for this.

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